Elizabeth, His Lordship’s Demure Body-Servant. Ten Volume Compilation Page 10
“I am afraid that I will squander the gift that fate has bestowed me. I’m afraid that when you tire of me, as all men are wont to do after having spent time with a girl, I will be chucked by the wayside and though tragic that may be, my Lord…,” she took a deep breath trying to contain the emotions that had suddenly boiled up in her chest. She was afraid her voice would crack and she would dissolve in tears.
She summoned her strength reigning in her wayward thoughts. “Even though losing you will be sure to break my heart, I am most anxious that I will depart without ever having gleaned at least a measure of your vast knowledge and experience. I am worried, panicked, anxious, that other than the puerile enjoyment I experience in your caresses, my time with you will have been a waste,” she twisted her mouth in a little mien of resigned guilt for she was quite sure the Lord was about to chastise her for her impertinence. “I just want to learn more, feel more, be able to experience what you experience, my Lord. I do want to be more…”
She looked down choosing to center her eyes on her quivering breasts where her nipples nearly brushed against his muscled chest. She could feel him breathing and thinking over what she had just said. For a few long moments Elizabeth wandered how long it would take her to find somebody willing to give her a cart ride back to the old slum where her parents’ house was. How was she going to pay for the ride?
She almost jumped when she felt his fingers take her by the chin and lift her eyes to face him. He opened his mouth as if to speak and then closed it again. He did that a couple of times and she realized he was at a loss for words. Elizabeth did not understand how that could be. Lord Benedict was not one to lose his train of thought or find himself searching for the right words to say. Finally, she saw him exhale an exasperated sigh.
“Lizzie, baby, I do not ever want to leave you,” Lord Benedict said his voice uncharacteristically horse and soft. “I want you to be mine forever.”
“But –“ he put a finger on her lips silencing her.
“Hear me out – Please – This is not easy for me… My feelings for you… have run way ahead of anything I had previously planned or considered. They have taken me — by surprise…”
Lord Dixon squared his shoulders and sat up straight. “I do not want you to ever go back to the slums. You will never have to work or worry about anything beyond pleasing me. All I want is to treat you like a pampered mistress, a baby, a disciple perhaps, and teach you everything you want to know… And then perhaps even have us learn things together. Eventually I want you to become completely dependent on me for your every need…”
“But what when you tire of me?” Elizabeth blurted out and bit her lip. “What if you should marry?” she whispered hoarsely.
He was a very powerful member of Parliament, and perhaps destined to become Prime Minister one day. It was more than expected of him to marry someone from his own class, if he ever wanted to maintain his position.
Lord Dixon however was way past being able to contemplate anything so mundane and trivial as marriage and politics right now. They seemed so unimportant and ordinary to him that, if anything, he would be willing to give it all up – his title, his prospects, everything -- just so that he could be with his little destitute Elizabeth.
He closed his eyes, stilled his racing pulse, and then looked at her again. He had made up his mind. He truly had not expected the little uneducated eighteen-year-old Elizabeth to so convincingly and elaborately describe almost exactly what he himself was feeling. He needed her as much as she needed him. He needed to dominate her, teach her, train her, at least as much as she instinctively wanted to be his student, his apprentice, his submissive.
Inexplicably, this simple girl had managed to put into words the very core of his own attraction to her. She wanted to learn. And he wanted to teach her. For now, that she had said it, Lord Benedict realized that what he felt towards the young woman was more than physical attraction. It was a desire to share in experiences that could only happen with a like-minded person like herself. He cleared his throat.
“One day I might indeed marry. But if that were to happen, it would only be to a woman at least as enamored with you as I am now. I give you my word.”
Elizabeth had long since realized that much as she wished to marry him, that could never happen. He would never be able to wed her. The disparity between their social standing was just too great. Regardless of that however, for some indescribable reason, her heart had just dissolved into mush with adoration for her master.
She looked at him and she saw he cherished her at least as much as she treasured him. Elizabeth knew she would do anything for her master.
She nodded even though he had not really asked a question. Elizabeth agreed to the unspoken plea in his eyes and slowly brought her forehead forward to rest against his broad temple. “Thank you, my Lord, I want to always be with you too,” she said simply and she felt his broad arm tightly pull her tight against his chest.
They stayed that way for a long while, their hearts syncing into one rhythm as they leaned against each other thinking about what had just happened.
Elizabeth Learns to Squirt
Lord Dixon closed his eyes relishing the moment. It would never be the same again and in that fact there was a sort of poetic beauty. His eyes flitted to the heavy antique clock tick-tacking on the wall. Seven twenty-three in the morning. A new day was about to begin, a new life had started already.
His decision was made and being the person he was, it might as well be cast in granite. Of course that did not preclude him from dwelling upon the past and the way fate had so delicately interwoven disparate strands of emotions, actions and histories to bring about his resolute determination to accept Elizabeth into his life as more than a humble body servant.
His hand slid along the graceful back of the eighteen-year-old woman. She had fallen into an exhausted sleep, and he could not blame her. If it weren't for his feverish mind, he too would have surrendered to the embraces of Hypnos. He looked down and felt his tumescence grow and stir. His hand was grotesquely big and rough in contrast to the gentle lithe curves of the girl.
Elizabeth’s auburn curls streamed outpouring across the soft satin sheets like a waterfall. She was dreaming something, little gasps and whimpers escaping her full lips, her breath washing over his side where her face was almost pressed against it. Her hips and buttocks were pleasantly rounded and though in repose now, he could all too easily remember how they had jiggled and bounced with delirious passion earlier.
Her breasts were hidden from his hungry eyes, mere hints of their promising contours pushing out from under her armpit. Oh, how they had leaped with his thrusts moments ago. Her legs were long and muscled in the naturally athletic way typical for children and teens. At only eighteen, there was not a trace of unnecessary flab on her body.
Suddenly, she gasped for breath and stirred awake. Big hazel eyes blinked searching his face and then remembering. A smile.
“You were dreaming,” he said warmly. His fingers swept back lazy curls pushing them away from her open forehead.
“My Lord,” she said distractedly.
All he had wanted was a simple girl. Pretty and obedient, uneducated and docile, to be his body slave just like he had seen rich men own in the Orient. He had traveled extensively in China and the East Indies. Lord Dixon had always wanted a girl like that, and when his eyes had set upon Elizabeth, his offer to her parents had been a foregone conclusion. Oh, but how things had changed since those last couple of weeks!
She gently brought her lips forward and kissed his side.
He had made a promise to her. It carried the weight of his word and implied so much more than mere actions. It carried the inevitability of deep intimate experiences together in the near future.
He felt his girth stir awake for the third time since he had awoken this morning. If he didn’t rein in the little vixen by his side, this day was going to shape up to be one endless dance of delicious ecst
asy and little else. Perhaps it was time to teach Elizabeth something new. He shifted around and turned to face her. A mischievous smile played upon his lips as he gently caressed her face.
He wanted to show her a new level of comfort that with any help from the fates would engender an even deeper emotional bond between them. The Lord felt reasonably certain that the conditions were propitious for what he intended to do next. The massive bed cradled them both with the warmth of their earlier exertions. The little whimpers escaping Elizabeth’s mouth perhaps without her even realizing it, indicated she was primed. Elizabeth was a naturally sensuous woman, and he couldn’t wait to help her flower into the seductress she could truly become. There was no time like the present to get her started on the delicious journey that lay ahead.
“Tell me, sweet child,” he said gently lifting her face up and kissing her forehead lightly. “Do you know what the G-spot is?” He smiled tenderly seeing her bewilderment.
She shook her head. Her ignorance of her own sexual anatomy did not surprise him one bit. Lord Dixon was sadly aware of the deep ignorance that prevailed even among the most educated members of British society when it came to the secrets of lovemaking and passion. In some ways, he felt they might as well be living on a different planet from the oriental mystics who had been his guides.
“Very few people do, sweetheart. It is a part deep within your body that helps you feel emotions and strengthens your passions.”
“It is a part of my body, master?” She asked in wonderful amazement. “How come I have never known it existed?” She propped herself up on one elbow her breasts – young and firm gently pulling her chest down with their generous heft. “Where is it?”
Lord Dixon chuckled. She was so impatient.
“It is positioned within your yoni, your quim.” Her eyes grew big, and he gently kissed the tip of her delicate nose. The question that filled her mind in that instant even though unspoken might as well have been screamed at the top of her lungs and it warmed his heart.
“No, sweetheart. I’m not going to take you there now. I have made a promise to your parents to keep your chastity intact. Until I travel to visit them next week, that is. Then I shall ask them to release me from my pledge, and if they do, I shall take away from you that last barrier and make you a woman,” he smiled.
Elizabeth blushed deep crimson and fell back covering her face with her hands.
“Oh just do it, master. They will never know. I will not tell them, and they don’t have to know!” She was whining now, and this made him smile broadly.
“Shush, little one,” he said putting a finger on her lips. She was begging him to take her virginity. Little did she know how taxing her pleas were for him. If she kept at it, he might not have the will to hold back much longer and jump and shred away her maidenhead before she even had a chance to scream.
“Your parents might never know, but I will,” he said his voice suddenly stern. “And so will you. We will do this the proper way and at the proper time,” he said. “But until that happens, I want to show you a new way to receive pleasure. Would you like that?”
His question surprised her. Timidly she looked up at him and nodded.
“Good. I will show you how to find and pleasure your G-spot without even entering your quim. It will be somewhat challenging, I have to say,” Lord Benedict stated, his face suddenly acquiring a serious mien. “I have never before had an opportunity to pleasure a virgin like that. But that doesn’t mean we cannot try. I want to give you divine bliss or as they call it in tantra, the joy of ananda.”
Lord Dixon saw her toes wiggle as if shaking off lingering stress. Perfect. Her body was already on the way to accepting whatever he wanted to do to it without question. She was a perfect natural little submissive.
“Thank you, my Lord,” she said and closed her eyes.
“Don’t thank me just yet, innocent girl. I will have each into your body to get at your inside pleasure spot.” Her eyes shot wide open at that. He smiled gently rubbing her shoulder. “I will be careful, and you will tell me if you feel any discomfort. Is that understood?”
“Yes, my Lord,” she said her voice now faltering. His cock started rapidly filling with blood and renewed vigor. This girl was going to be the end of him, he thought.
“First, however, I need to get some things ready.” He jumped and quickly walked over to the washroom. There he opened a cupboard and selected a bottle of fragrant oils and a sterilized glass jar with a lid. Lord Dixon was a firm believer in the superior experience and knowledge of Eastern mystics. While he had been in India as part of the British government there, he had learned of the deep respect Hindu yogis held for the ejaculate of a woman. They called it amrita and considered it to be a very powerful healing substance. He knew how wet his little Lizzie became when she was excited, but he had yet to see her actually lose herself so that her quim squirted. He wanted to be prepared for it just in case.
As he walked back to the anxiously awaiting naked virgin on the bed, his mind idly wondered whether the first amrita of a virgin held different, perhaps more potent, qualities. A diligent and systematic man, his mind naturally moved on to considering ways in which to test that hypothesis.
He placed the jars on the floor by the foot of the bed and climbed in to join his lover there.
He gently stroked her long legs flattening the palms of his hands across her smooth skin. In contrast to his hirsute appearance, one that had caused him to be called general Ape Man by his friends when he had been in the military, young Elizabeth was naturally devoid of any but the daintiest little wisps of hair follicles. Even now, with his face mere inches from her thighs, he could hardly see any hairs there. He was quite certain she had not yet started shaving her legs and had even checked with his butler who was responsible for the girl’s daily hygiene. The man had shrugged confirming the Lord’s suspicions.
What her body and limbs lacked in natural hairiness, however, was more than made up for by the luscious forest of soft brown curls that covered her pudenda. When she had first joined the household, the butler had inquired about shaving her there and after some deliberation the two men had decided to leave her triangle as it was at least for the moment. It hadn’t been an easy decision for Lord Benedict who normally liked his mistresses well groomed, and even shaved between their legs. But little Lizzie was so gentle and shy, that the thick bush of her pudenda was a welcome contrast to her small body and naïve demeanor.
As he sat by her on the bed, he couldn’t stop himself and gently bent forward to kiss her lovely round navel. His mouth watered as he sucked noisily on it. He could feel the wonderful aroma of her body and felt her skin grow hot beneath his lips. She moaned deliciously and he thought how millimeters below where his lips were now, was where his long girth would eventually find itself in the near future.
With difficulty Lord Benedict forced his head up from her tremulous tummy and looked at her blushing face. “Here is what we shall do, sweetheart. This is perhaps our first more or less formal lesson in Tantric sex. You asked me to be your teacher in Eastern spirituality, and I accepted. For this to work, it is important that you know in advance what we shall do. I want you to trust me.”
“I trust you with all my heart,” she said surprising the big rough man with her open honesty. He kissed her belly again and smiled.
“First, I will stimulate your button gently and then I will wait for your body to guide me. I will kindle your passions until your skin and tremors start doing all the talking. It will take time, and I have brought oils. Finally, I will press deep into your back passage and push up against the skin separating your chute from your birth channel.” Lord Dixon noticed how Elizabeth squirmed at his words.
“What if it hurts? It sounds painful,” she whimpered yet he noticed that the girl instinctively spread her legs wider and gently arched her belly up from the bed.
“You will feel no pain whatsoever, I promise you. Time is of the essence, and we shall make sure we don’t
rush. I will do everything in my power to prevent you from losing your trust in me.” He looked deep into her eyes showing her that he meant every word.
“When I have my fingers up in your bum, I will stroke them so that I elicit the fluid from your quim to pour out. You will feel pressure, and it might make you want to pee. Don’t hold back. Do whatever you feel your body tells you, and most importantly, do not feel embarrassed. Papa has you.”