Elizabeth, His Lordship’s Demure Body-Servant. Ten Volume Compilation Page 4
The finger in her butt pushed all the way in. She breathed – slowly in, and slowly out.
"Very well," the man commented. "You are a fast learner, sweetheart. Let us just see how fast."
"Stand up please and put on this," the man ordered holding out a blindfold – black and silken. Gingerly Elizabeth brought it up to her eyes and covered them. Then she felt the man take her by the hand and lead her out of the room. He guided her this way and that through the large house and soon she was lost in its enormity.
They entered what felt like a gigantic hall, perhaps a cellar? It was colder and musky somehow, and she heard water dripping somewhere in the distance.
"Reach up as far as you can," the man ordered. "There is a metal hook hanging from the ceiling right above your head. Reach for it, and grab it. Do not let go until I allow you to do so. This shall be your only point of reference until we're done. Understood?"
"Yes, sir," Elizabeth surprised herself with the gruff finality of her own intonation. She reached up searching with her fingers as she grabbed at the air for the elusive hook. Her shivers, almost permanent and habitual by now didn't help. But it was her blindfold that disoriented her completely. When she felt the metal finally brush against the tip of one finger, she almost screamed with joy.
She wrapped her fists around the large object and felt how her body stretched up swaying in the air. Her entire weight now rested on the balls of her feet as she desperately tried to find balance in the all-encompassing darkness that swirled around her.
She felt a rope being tied around her ankles. Its thick end wrapped twice, three times, four times and then – a jerk that made her suddenly lose her footing as she almost fell forward. She screamed, her fists holding on to the hook for dear life. And that was when he started hoisting her up.
"Do not let go of that hook, little sweetie." Came the butler's voice, almost gentle and caring as she heard the clank of a winch wheel moving as the hook went higher and higher lifting her a good distance up in the air.
"Oh God!" She heard herself repeat, again and again.
Suddenly her vertical stretching motion stopped and instead, the ropes around her ankles started pulling forward and to the side. Soon her body formed a suspended letter L, her legs stretched out to either side at almost right angles. She could only guess, but she suspected that she was now hanging a good five feet up in the air.
This time, she heard the butler's voice come from below as it echoed throughout the cavernous chamber. "Much more comfortable. Comfortable for me, that is. Remember not to let go of that hook, sweetheart. Not if you don't want to fall and hit your head mightily, of course."
“Time to continue from where we had stopped.”
She took a deep breath and willed herself not to move as she felt the man start worm two long cold fingers up against her tender butt. Like before, he pushed until just their tips made it through into her virginal behind.
"Breathe slowly, little one," came the gruff voice of the butler. He was behind her naked body as it quivered on the hook. Elizabeth whimpered softly feeling the center of the universe coalesce around the tingling of the invading fingers.
Elizabeth felt the weight of her body pull on her taught shoulders as she hung helplessly while her calves twitched and toes wiggled. She had never felt anything quite so thick pushed up there. The butler's fingers made her want to have a bowel movement, and she moaned loudly in discomfort. Finally, her thoughts drifted away from the shame and centered themselves again onto her rapidly tiring stressed shoulders.
The butler applied increased pressure and soon his two fingers were pushed all the way in. Elizabeth felt immeasurable gratitude when he used his strength to suspend virtually her entire weight on the two impaling digits thus relieving her exhausted arms if only for a second or two.
"You are doing very well indeed,” the man said, and she felt his free hand gently caress along the insides of her thighs. He kept holding her with preternatural strength on the two fingers in her ass while he slowly explored higher up until his free hand found her nether lips. She could not quite see his fingers, but they felt long and gnarly as he reached up and splayed her opening making her blush in the darkness. He moved his hand along her tight virginal nether lips in slow, deliberate motions. He kept at it until the first spasm of erotic tension shook her pelvis.
Elizabeth groaned pitifully feeling her entire body tighten at the sensation of being touched down there by a man she hardly knew. Sensing her building excitement, the butler immediately stopped his ministrations and slowly pulled out from her butt. This made Elizabeth whine pitifully and for a second she even parted her lips to beg for his attention, but she stopped herself remembering his admonitions for silence.
"You are very pretty, my dear, and have a very responsive body." She heard the butler's voice say. "His Lordship is a very busy man indeed, and you are privileged to have been chosen by him to be his body servant like that. I know that he has promised to preserve your chastity, my dear. But I wonder if perhaps you don't feel a small measure of gratitude and obligation toward him. After all, he has taken you under his wing. He has agreed to provide you lodging, food and free tutelage. Not to mention his promise to preserve your elderly parents' employment at his workshops, thus keeping your siblings safe and fed." The man resumed frilling her tender opening as she hung naked and blindfolded. "I would like to suggest perhaps that you ponder how better you could serve our master. I don't mean that you sacrifice your virginity. But there are so many ways you could demonstrate your commitment to him." Elizabeth whimpered again when she felt him slowly pass his long fingers through her tight wet lips. His hands were not insistent and did not pry, but merely lingered bringing her nether parts to a throbbing heat of excitement.
How was it that she was expected to impress upon Lord Dixon her further commitment to service? God knew she had done so much in the last eighteen hours of service alone: Hadn't she allowed herself to be taken away from her parents, to be stripped and frilled in open view? Elizabeth felt her mind throb and do somersaults of consternation as she thought about how mere hours ago she had used her own climax to polish her Lords shoes! How could they possibly expect more of her?! She almost asked the question out loud but stopped herself unsure if she had yet been granted permission to speak.
"I can see in your face that there is something you want to say. But you are unsure whether you should do so. I did ask you to stay silent, and I admire how attentive you are to my orders. A perfect little submissive. But let me help you here – I am prepared to wager that I know what is coursing through your mind."
He slipped his hand around her thigh where it hung quivering in the air and gently resumed rubbing her hot snatch. With his other hand, he then sought out her nether opening and Elizabeth whimpered miserably feeling the tips of his fingers start to push up again. This time, they were three, and she caught herself between wishing for respite from the anal abuse he was about to inflict upon her and her rapidly diminishing stamina that kept her clinging to the hook. If she begged him to stop plowing her tender butt with his fingers, she would certainly soon lose her grip and tumble miserably to the floor. Better that she allow the man to stretch her out and offer her respite as his hand ensconced itself up her gaping rear and lifted her up in the air.
"Here is what I think you are thinking, sweet child," the older man said. He sped up his rapidly frilling fingers against her splayed labia as he simultaneously started pushing three fingers up her rapidly tiring butt hole. "You feel that you have already done plenty for Lord Dixon as it is. You have probably submitted to his attentions and even probably brought him to orgasm. You've surely done a lot and gone well beyond anything that might be expected of a gentle virgin as yourself. Am I right?"
Exactly in time with his question Elizabeth felt her pelvis explode with a thrumming sensation as if thunder had struck in her loins making her shake and vibrate. She moaned and gasped and would have surely fallen from the hook had it not been for t
he butler's three fingers that just then pried their way into her butt lifting her higher up in the air and relieving her aching shoulders. The man who now virtually carried her entire weight, small as she was, on the three fingers of his right hand, waited patiently for the impressionable and thoroughly bothered teenager to come down from her mind-shattering orgasm.
"Tell me by nodding your head yes or no – am I right in suspecting the true nature of your thoughts?" The man asked gently. Elizabeth relished the fantastic respite she felt in her aching arms and looked down at the gray-haired butler who appeared to hold her like a feather in the air. Gingerly but resolutely Elizabeth nodded her head yes.
"Ah! But let me ask you this," the butler smiled with genuine relish. "Have you done anything on your own personal initiative, sweetheart? Have you tried to improvise and do more than what had already been asked of you? You have my permission to speak freely now."
Elizabeth thought about his question momentarily forgetting about her awkward situation. It was true that she hadn't initiated anything herself. But was that, in fact, something they expected from her? Hadn't his Lordship called her his sweet submissive just hours ago? Didn't willing to do a man's bidding preclude any independence of initiative? She felt her mind hurt with the effort of working out these questions much the same way her body was hurting right now as it was forced to expand and accommodate her trainer's hand.
"You are daydreaming, sweetheart." The man said from below and viciously turned his wrist making the fingers in her butt churn and wiggle. Elizabeth groaned. "Answer me, child."
"I – I'm not sure, sir." Elizabeth stammered. "It is very difficult for me to suggest anything exciting that might bring satisfaction to my Lord. It is not that I am unwilling, please understand. Rather I just think I don't have the experience, or imagination, sir." Her voice grew quieter and petered out into a whisper.
"Maybe you also don't have the will to say what you want." Suggested the butler.
"Maybe I don't." Elizabeth hung her head ashamed and embarrassed at yet another perceived weakness, this time of her soul rather than her body.
"A true submissive, is what you are. Nothing to be ashamed of, sweetheart," said the man. "You can let go of the hook, and I will bring you down now." Elizabeth breathed a deep sigh of surrender as she let go and the man slowly brought her down and deposited her along the cold, wet stones of the cellar. Slowly he pulled his fingers out from her clenching butt and then released her blindfold. For a long time, Elizabeth kept her eyes closed in shame and felt as the man knelt and undid the knots around her feet.
"Come on now, little one," the man gently prodded at her thigh with his boot. "Stand up." Elizabeth had never felt quite so weak before in her life. It took all her mental strength to merely will herself up and stand straight facing the man. The butler wrapped his cold hand around her jaw and gently squeezed the sides of her cheeks as he made her open her mouth wide. "Look me in the eyes and do not look away," he ordered. He brought his fingers that had been up her ass mere seconds ago and slowly positioned them on her tongue. He waited to see her realization dawn upon her tired mind before he moved his soiled hand all the way back in down her wet tongue.
"Suck my hand clean, little one," he ordered. Elizabeth forced herself to comply and scrunched her face in a grimace of disgust as she closed her lips around the offensive digits and suckled on them until they were clean.
Finally, the man nodded and slowly pulled his hand out of her hot little mouth. "What if I tell you about possible things that you can do, or that can be done to you? Things that are sure to please his Lordship? Will you be able to choose then?"
Elizabeth had acquired that distant look of an animal cornered as she gazed up into the man's dark eyes. She doubted herself to have enough strength to speak, and so merely nodded her acquiescence.
In that instant, Elizabeth realized her life had changed irrevocably. She had accepted that she was a natural born submissive, a woman with no independent will, but an overwhelming desire to please and satisfy.
"Come then, sweetheart," the butler motioned her to follow him as he walked toward the distant wall of the cold cellar. "Let me introduce you to the instruments we have here. I will tell you all about them and how they can be used on you. I will offer you a few options and ideas. You tell me what you think will please his Lordship most."
Elizabeth almost fainted when she saw the flickering light of the candles dance over the indescribable metal clamps, spiked whips, and objects she couldn't have imagined existed as they lay along tables at the back of the cellar.
4. Elizabeth is Prepared for Her Lord
When will he return? Elizabeth wondered.
There was an aura about Lord Dixon at least as far as she was concerned. In the few hours she had spent in his presence, she had grown most attached to his stern demeanor and implacable will. Perhaps it was the affluence to which he had been born that had ingrained him with such an ease when it came to making decisions and getting his way. Or maybe it had been his upbringing, Elizabeth wasn't sure. Either way, she found his manner irresistible and enticing like nothing she had ever experienced before.
She had turned eighteen less than seven days ago and last night the Lord had come to her parents' home to offer her a job with his household staff. She was to be his body servant, not that she knew quite what that meant yet. In return, he would pay her a stipend and ensure that her siblings and elderly parents were well taken care of. However, she now suspected that she would have agreed to go even if the Lord hadn't made any financial promises. There was a strength in him that drew her in like a moth was attracted to the blinding light of a candle in a dark room.
"Are your knees hurting?" asked a gruff male voice suddenly wrenching her from her thoughts. His Lordship's butler! He had been gone for hours, having left her kneeling with her hands clasped behind her head and facing the corner of his Lordship's bedroom.
"Yes," she replied, her voice husky and hoarse. She was thirsty and tired. She caught herself wondering whether she was permitted to turn around and look at the butler. She decided against it – her Lord had commanded her to stay kneeling until he returned from his trip. It wouldn't do for her to break his order merely on a whim.
"Sir." The butler's voice said a hint of ice making an appearance in its tone.
Elizabeth was too far gone down the rabbit hole. She was not able to understand what the man was talking about, "Huh?"
"You are to address everybody other than his Lordship with sir or ma'am." The butler replied. A whooshing sound filled the room followed by an explosion of pain that blossomed across the soles of her naked feet inches from where her backside rested against her heels.
Snap! Snap – Snap! Came three more blows in quick succession making the naked and submissive eighteen-year-old brunette lightheaded with pain and humiliation.
"Aye!" Screamed Elizabeth. "It hurts! Sir." She added hastily.
"I merely gave you a taste of the switch, sweet child," said the butler and she felt his fingers gently caress the soles of her feet and linger against the throbbing welts she knew were there now. Her first spanking! Elizabeth just realized she had been spanked for the very first time in her adult life!
"Stand." The man said his voice low and implacable. Gingerly she forced herself up. She wasn't sure how many hours it had been since they had ordered her to kneel in the corner of the room. But her muscles and ligaments hurt tremendously sending bolts of searing pain as she finally stood straight on her punished feet quivering as her body stretched out.
"Look at me," the butler ordered and she lifted her demure eyes to look at his dark pitiless glare. "His Lordship will be back soon. He will be pleased to learn how obedient you have been today. You will be taken downstairs and bathed inside and out. I will put soothing oil on your welts and bruises." He took her face that seemed childishly small in his big hands making her whimper in helplessness. "But before I take you downstairs, I wanted to ask you somethi
ng. Did you think about our conversation from a couple of hours ago?"
Elizabeth shuddered and almost fainted right then and there. She remembered with icy trepidation when earlier this morning the butler had taken her to the cavernous cellars many floors down below. Oh, how she wished she could forget what had happened then! But Elizabeth knew it wasn't going to be a memory she would ever be able to let go.
He had made her grab onto a large metal hook and then lifted her tiny body up in the air. Blindfolded and naked in the cold dungeon-like basement, he had then used his obviously experienced hands on her virgin butt expanding her tiny puckered opening, bringing her to a mind-bending climax.
What had really shaken the impressionable and inexperienced teenager, however, was the conversation that had followed after that.
Almost like a caring uncle, the butler had pointed out that if Elizabeth truly wanted to demonstrate her commitment to her Lord, it wouldn't do to simply follow what others told her to do. She would have to suggest her own acts of submission. Elizabeth shook when she remembered how panic had almost overwhelmed her then. She wanted to impress the worldly Lord for she knew he was not only the single most important person in her life, but she was also starting to feel attached to his presence.
But how could she hope to suggest something novel and exciting on her own? She was merely a young girl, torn away from the world she knew – her parents and little siblings. She had no hope to come up with something on her own. And even if she did, she lacked the confidence to suggest it out loud.
"A true submissive," was what the butler called her then. He had offered her a way out of the predicament. He would show her different instruments and the ways they could be used on the female body. Ways devilish and unnatural enough that would warm her Lord's heart when he saw how far his little treasure was willing to submit herself.