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Lena's Fall: Volumes Eight through Fifteen of Lena’s Journey Page 15

  “I am here out of respect for the Society,” I heard myself say. My words tumbling out faster than I had intended. “It is a formality to me, and you better stick to keeping your hands off my Lena. I’m here only out of respect for her mother who was an Ancient.”


  His laughter boomed and seemed suddenly to come from all directions at once. Sneaky bastard, he probably had a microphone attached somewhere in those flowing robes of his. I was just about to interrupt his cackle with something appropriately scathing when his arms moved up and he pushed back his hood. My words died on my lips.

  “Oh my God, Benjamin what have you done to yourself?”

  “Show respect, worm,” somebody said from behind where I was kneeling and a sharp slap came down across the back of my head. That was the last fucking straw. Absolutely fucking unacceptable!

  I immediately leaned forward on my arms and kicked back swinging out my leg in what I was sure was a well-aimed kick straight into the ankles of the asshole behind me. I fully expected to catch him completely unprepared. I’m in excellent shape and I know for a fact I can easily take on most men half my age. In spite of this, it seemed that the man had anticipated my move and my leg swiped through empty air. I lost my balance surprised by the body that wasn’t there to offset my momentum and fell forward in the most graceless manner.

  Next thing I knew, somebody had reached down and picked me up, wrapping their strong hands around my shoulders, pinning my arms to my back hoisting me up like a child. Whoever the acolyte I was dealing with was, he had to be a giant for at almost two hundred pounds and seven feet tall – I was no small man myself. Yet he had tackled me with such an unbelievable ease as if I was a toddler! I exercise regularly and spar once every week with a kickboxing coach. This man however had overpowered me without so much as exerting himself and now held me in a body lock as he effortlessly stood me up before the throne.

  I was made to look straight ahead and all I could see was Benjamin’s leering expression as he smiled down in obvious glee at my predicament.

  “I’ll break your back, asshole,” I growled impotent rage flowing like lava through my veins. “I am a full member of the Society. You have no right to treat me like that!”

  “You shall show respect to your Overlord, worm,” the creature behind me hissed again and again I attempted to throw him off. Nobody in my life had gotten away with calling me something like that and lived to see another day. Again I was met with implacable resistance. It felt as if I was trying to wrestle down a granite statue. The effortlessness and power of his grip could mean only one thing. I realized with shock that this man had to have used the latest doping science had to offer – gene therapy!

  I had read somewhere in the medical literature of studies done to inject athletes and elite military with gene-modifying viruses in an effort to transform their bodies and endow them with superhuman strength and abilities. Forced as I was to stare upon Benjamin’s incongruous face, I now understood that the extremes of body modification had not been limited to the bodyguard alone. Benjamin had probably used something similar as well. Though in his case, the result was closer to an inhuman creature from hell.

  I could see in the glint of recognition in the dark gleaming orbs staring down on me from his throne that he had understood my epiphany. Without another word he stood up and with a pull on the simple rope holding his cloak together undid it. In one fluid motion, he shook off the dark cloth unveiling his naked body before my mesmerized stare.

  What I saw was not so much the body of a human, but rather that of a creature straight out of some ancient fairytale. A giant muscular man with massive arms, thick as legs and legs – thick as tree trunks, walked down from the pedestal to stand by me. His body was completely hairless. The grotesque exaggeration of his physique which coupled to the unnaturally bluish hue of his skin worked to create a truly shocking, if not awe-inspiring image. His muscles seemed to pile upon one another, his veins visibly pulsing across his broad shoulders.

  But it was his massive and thick hanging cock that was the true nightmare. No doubt the biochemist that had treated him had to have subjected him to gene modifiers for many years to produce something like the thing that now hung limply between his thick thighs. It was long enough to dangle all the way to the middle of his quads and yet it was still flaccid. I swallowed instinctively trying but failing to remedy the sudden dryness and coppery taste in my mouth. I found myself wondering what this cock’s length and girth would be like when fully erect. Thick blue veins crisscrossed it from base to glistening tip undoubtedly feeding the muscles inside with quart upon quart of the blood this thing needed for sustenance.

  The thing that had previously been my friend Benjamin came to stand by me. In spite of all his efforts I was still about a head taller than him and yet his lumbering power was palpable. It was as if merely his presence alone was able to create a sort of a vacuum sapping all my energy and will to fight.

  “What would you want me to do with that one, Master?” Came the booming voice of the man holding me tight. His steely grip hadn’t relaxed even a millimeter. Benjamin looked pensively at my face.

  “Will you fight me, Branigan?” he asked simply and something about his intonation made me feel all choked up and emotional.

  “She is mine, Benjamin,” I heard the meek words come out from my mouth. They sounded more like a plea than a statement of fact. I could understand the real reason for his game of intimidation. Yet the will to fight for what was mine had somehow left me. My former friend nodded and I was released and allowed to slowly come down to my knees. As it happened, I was now a heap of flesh, all my strength and dominance having suddenly evaporated from me.

  Something was deeply wrong but I can’t couldn’t quite put my finger on its cause. Was it me? Was I getting sick, slowly poisoned by the air in this room? Or was it the power of my host’s presence that had so sapped my energies? I felt him stand taller and assume his full height above me and instinctively I knew what was to follow even though my mind refused to accept it. His cock – grotesque and veiny, swung limply level with my eyes. I saw it even more clearly now and I inexplicably felt my own stir to life and begin to grow hard. Benjamin’s shaft swung slowly mesmerizing me like a pendulum, his scrotum gently throbbing behind it.

  “Undress, brother.” His command was so simple, and yet so deeply revolting. In spite of that fact, I couldn’t stop myself. Slowly, as if seeing myself from a vast distance, I saw my hands come up to my chest and start unbuttoning my shirt. I let it fall to the ground, and then I started undoing my belt. So that was what my sweet submissive Lena felt when she felt overcome with an urge to serve me. Now I understood her completely. And my cock had never been harder in my life!

  “Don’t feel ashamed, my friend, it is unavoidable. Pretty much everybody has the same reaction when they come into my presence. The only way to get over it, is to submit to it. You know how it is.” His words made perfect sense somehow. It was as if I was listening to God Himself speak. I felt a need to please him and do as told. I had absolutely no interest in the monster of a man towering above me. I just wanted that gorgeous thick throbbing cock that happened to be a part of his overwhelmingly male power. I wanted it, needed it in my mouth!

  I brought my hand up to my face and wiped away the tears that had started pouring down my suntanned cheeks. I righted myself and knelt at his feet trying to control the suddenly overwhelming desire to submit that was welling up inside me. I had never done anything like that in my life. Never on my own volition. Never because I wanted it. I had no idea what to do now that I craved him so much. Then I just did what my lust dictated and opened my mouth.

  Benjamin smiled. “Papa’s good boy. Come to me. Come home.”

  Suddenly the blood in his cock surged. There was absolutely not a tinge of sympathy in his eyes as he moved in closer. I murmured something. I was anxious to worship him. I knew I’m not gay or even bisexual, but I just had to have him in my mo
uth. I almost gasped when he guided his curving yataghan away from his muscled body and pushed the hot fat head over my watering tongue. I felt the heat and power of his cock, and it was thrilling. I washed over his ridge worming my tongue across his cum-slit. It was with incredible speed that he had gotten incredibly hard and this fact somehow felt like a great compliment to me. It was an honor to be allowed to take him in my mouth and be given an opportunity to worship his manhood like that. He didn’t even acknowledge my efforts but merely let me do all the work gently laving his girth as I reached under him and cradled his balls thinking of the sperm in them.

  My own cock was hard as a diamond and leaking pre-cum but I had no time for it. My entire universe centered on the column of flesh I was worshiping with my lips. Moving across his head, down his length, all the way to the base of his shaft and then up again. Wet slurping sounds filled the room and soon I felt his scrotum pull and grow tight up against his body preparing to empty his seed into my mouth. Still his hands were far from my head. I had all the freedom to swallow or not, pleasure him or not, lick him or not, and every time the hint of hesitation arose, my lust extinguished it instantaneously. Soon I was lovingly sucking on his head and vacuuming up all he had to offer.

  Then a powerful shudder like an earthquake shook him from head to toe and I felt great thick gobs of his seed shoot down my throat. He tasted like power, undistilled and unvarnished, and I felt blessed to be where I am, doing what I just did.

  Just when I finally swallowed the last of his seed, it all became too much for me and my own cock exploded jetting cum, spewing it impotently about, uselessly into the air.

  I slumped back down on my knees and Benjamin slowly walked back to his throne, picked up his robe and dressed. His acolyte who had been so rough with me just moments ago, gently came to offer me a cold glass of water that I thirstily accepted. Next, I was given a few long minutes to compose myself and take stock of the situation.

  Now that the initial ecstasy of what I had just done was complete, a second bizarre wave of contentment like none other washed over me. Somewhere in some deep recess of my mind I could feel my body digesting and incorporating the sustenance of this man's seed into my own body. It was slowly becoming part of me and dissolving my resistance as it did so. I knew that I ought to feel disgust and horror, and rebel against what had just happened. But instead, I felt peace acceptance and….Satisfaction. Something in the Master’s seed was actively working to change my mind. My rational scientific self, that part of me who was the professional physician, refused to accept it and I knew that would remain the case forever. Rationally my brain knew there was no way something so natural and so primal like the sperm of the Overlord could ever have a mind-altering effect on anybody, least of all on me – another man, through and through male, to the very core dominant, as dominant can be. And yet it did!

  And then another thought – if swallowing his cum was having such a profound effect on somebody like me, what would happen to Lena if she were ever made to do the same? If that ever happened, how could I ever hope to stop my precious girl from becoming his mindless acolyte forever? Resistance was indeed becoming futile. Lena is so very impressionable anyways. One drop is all it would take. How had he achieved that?

  A couple of young girls, both well along in their pregnancies, came with a mop and a bucket and wiped down the evidence of my orgasm from the floor. They both seemed puzzlingly obsequious and giddy. Soon my heartbeat quieted down and I was at last able to form a coherent thought.

  “Pheromones?” It was a fair guess, but a well-educated one.

  “Exactly right, my brother,” the man I once used to know as Benjamin replied leaning back in his throne. “How could you tell?”

  “Just an educated guess, brother,” I said wondering if he could feel my sarcasm. I wondered how much of his old self still lingered in him underneath all that muscle and chemistry.

  “You can mock me all you want, Branigan, but it is the natural course of history. Never mind history, it is your destiny. Even though you may not fully accept it yet, soon you will be back, you will be begging me for more. Twice more.” He sat at the very edge of his seat as if animated by some invisible puppeteer high above. He lifted and waved two fingers at me. “Two more times, you will come drink my cum. Then, you will be mine.” He smiled and relaxed back into his enormous stone throne. “Forever.”


  I looked up at him. Maybe he was too far gone. Perhaps the injections of hormones, drugs and viral agents had rendered him semi-insane already. He squinted in the darkness, his flesh – more like that of a marble statue in movement than anything human I knew.

  “Think about it, brother. What is history? What is it, but an endless progression from the idealized state of the equality of hunter gatherers to the stratified societies of today. Pick any modern group of people and tell me they’re totally and completely equal. Tell me, good manners notwithstanding, they aren’t all trying their best to surpass each other when it comes to acquiring bigger purchasing power, credit-rating or the ability to provide for their kids.”

  “But isn’t it also a fact that with time we have become more and more tolerant of those amongst us who cannot provide for themselves, the weak, the dispossessed?” I complained from where I was sitting on the floor. I wasn’t even going to dignify his insinuation about myself with a reply. “Isn’t it the hallmark of developed society that we still cherish our humanity and take care of those who are in need?”

  “Yes,” he said. “We do, but only because of our good hearts, because there’s so much stuff and idle resources out there that we can afford to provide for the weak and unproductive amongst us.” I grimaced in disagreement feeling my brooding anger from before make a renewed appearance.

  “So it is your grand goal to inject everybody with hormones? Lead society all the way down some made-up pipe dream of yours where everybody is either master or slave?”

  “Oh please….My friend, you know me better than that – and stop patronizing me. I may look like some sort of grotesque monster to you now, but my mind has only grown sharper with time. Later, at the gathering for your concubine’s ritual, you will see for yourself how many people genuinely espouse my philosophy. You can be the judge for yourself. Times are changing. More and more people find the simple life of servitude to their masters vastly preferable to living the so-called dream of the daily rat race that has become modern life. People are not as dumb as you might think. They know that there is no free lunch and if offering a master pleasure is what’s required to achieve some security in one’s life, they’re more than willing to do it.”

  “A Faustian deal, but you used to be a lawyer. Why am I even surprised? You should know your way around when it comes to finagling devilish pacts out of naïve and uneducated people. And who decides who is slave and who master?” I asked livid at this bullshit he was spouting.

  “Nobody does, but nature. You’re a doctor. You should know better than anyone that some of us are born predisposed to serve, and others – to lead. It is just as natural is that.”

  “And what if there are more people willing to become masters than slaves? Who decides then?”

  “If that turns out to be the case, it is only right that they figure it out amongst themselves. They can fight it out just as they have always done – may the best men and women rule the rest!”

  This was getting too crazy for me and I felt the signs of an oncoming headache pulse at the back of my skull.

  “I need a rest,” I sighed rubbing my temples.

  “Of course. You’ve had a rather busy last couple of hours. You’re my guest and a senior member of the Society. You might feel a little confused in my presence, but I know you for who you are – a Master through and through, a wolf, and no amount of pleading on behalf of the sheep will change my opinion of you, dear brother. I will give you an opportunity to rest well and relax and enjoy our hospitality. But first, I want you to accept a small token of my hospitality.”
  Before I had a chance to respond he clapped his hands and his infernal giant scooped me up from the floor helping me to my feet. The acolyte then pointed towards the door at the far end of the large room. I followed his outstretched arm to see the two very young women, who had cleaned up the shameful evidence of my weakness from a few minutes ago waiting there. They both had radiant smiles on their faces that seemed surprisingly genuine. Out of nowhere I felt a pleasant tingle in my lower abdomen as my cock stirred to life again. Their smiles grew wider yet. It was as if they had already formed some sort of mental connection with my cock. Suddenly I felt almost superfluous. Just here, along for the ride. I couldn’t shake the feeling that they looked like children in a candy store. The two young women almost ran to me and then fell to their knees singing and giggling and laughing as they gingerly peppered my rapidly growing shaft with delicate butterfly kisses. For a long horrible moment, I wanted to push them back. I wanted to ask after my Lena, my only sweet slave, the reason I was here.

  But my will was subdued the instant one of the girls, the younger, brunette one, bowed low and just like that - kissed my toes. It was a deep, meaningful kiss, her lips engulfing my digits, sucking on them, laving my feet with her abundant mouth.