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Lena's Fall: Volumes Eight through Fifteen of Lena’s Journey Page 16

  “Please, Master, please, save us,” she said looking up at me, her eyes suddenly wet with tears. She kissed my feet, bowed, hugged my ankles, wrapping her naked young body around my knees, then reached up to cradle my testicles. She cupped and massaged them while her friend’s cheeks hollowed out as she kissed my cock’s crown.

  “Yes, save them, Branigan. While you do that, I’ll save your precious little Lena,” came the demonic voice from the throne behind me.


  “Why are you doing this, Benjamin?” I am lying gently cuddled by the two vixens resting with me on the floor at the overlord's feet.

  “Doing what, Branigan?” booms his voice from the shadowy twilight that seems to curl up and envelop his figure towering high above us all on his throne.

  “Humiliating me like this.”

  “I do nothing to you that you don't want to do yourself.” I am tempted to laugh out sarcastically at this statement but in his voice I feel he actually believes what he's saying.

  “I don't want to give up Lena. Especially not to you.”

  “But you do want her to be happy don't you?”

  “Of course, but look at yourself – you have created a cult, and now you want her to join it.”

  “How is what I am offering different than your indoctrinating the impressionable young girl to follow you? The only difference I can see are the number of people that call you master. In your case, it is just her, in mine – multitudes.”

  “But you have genetically modified yourself to exude pheromones that make it virtually impossible for anyone to deny you. See what happened to me,” I say realizing I’m blushing violently. Before he gifted me the company of his pregnant vixen to entertain me, I was somehow coerced into pleasuring him with my mouth. Me, the indomitable master Branigan – a man's man! He made me suck cock!

  “You misunderstand the mechanism of the process here, Branigan,” the demon up in the throne thunders. “To be honest, I'm quite disappointed. I thought that a doctor like you would be better attuned to modern neuroscience. I am not making anybody do things they don't already feel the desire to do. All I offer by my presence is the gift of forgiveness. I give people permission to listen to their subconscious.”

  “You are telling me that all those years I subconsciously wanted to suck your cock,” I chuckle grimly feeling the blond girl What was her name? wrap her hot little mouth around my flaccid member. It is still soft and relaxed like a snake sleeping after a luxurious meal, but the girl seems completely undeterred and gently washes it in her depth. I suppress a gasp of pleasure.

  “I honestly don't know what you may or may not have wanted to do all those years we have known each other. What I do know is that the pheromones my body produces are clinically proven to suspend the mental barriers created by thought processes in the neocortex of the human brain. This allows whatever has been simmering underneath to bubble up to the surface. It was my guess, the correct one as it turns out, that you had always harbored a lingering submissive undercurrent. Perhaps nothing more than curiosity. And what better way to test the waters than allow yourself to please the most powerful man you have ever known – me?”

  I feel my cock stir to life and squint even as the brunette in whose soft bosom I have laid my head gently adjust herself beneath me. I have to admit there is a certain logic to his words. “You promise me, Benjamin, that if Lena feels no desire for you, you will let her go.”

  “I do indeed.”



  First, they massaged me with fragrant oils. The masseuse looked to be a Japanese woman, but it was hard to say. She remained silent and obsequious throughout my time with her. I closed my eyes and imagined myself in an expensive high-end luxury spa getting pampered by the expert hands of an experienced Japanese geisha. At first, the woman had bowed and after having guided me onto a flat expanse of rock that much to my surprise was warm, the matron left. I had not expected her to do so, and it baffled me how much I suddenly missed her comforting presence. Before I knew it, my daydream had kidnapped me and taken me away, and I lost track of time. I must have fallen asleep for when I soon awoke and came back to my senses I felt the tap-tap-tap of the woman’s gentle fingers on my shoulder.

  I opened my eyes to find my body glistening and perfumed, and I blushed fiercely feeling a familiar emptiness in my breasts. Somebody had drunk my milk empty. How deep had I slept? How was it possible to not feel someone's lips feeding on me? Still, I was grateful for the profound relief I felt. The speed of events had made me forget how long it had been since I was last milked. My breasts had been feeling engorged and heavy, almost taut with pain and now they were thrumming with the pleasant satisfaction of having been drained of their produce. I noticed the little lady motioning me to get into a bath tub filled with fragrant bluish water from which wisps of steam floated up into the cold air of the cave. I shivered with excitement as I let myself be lathered and rinsed by her expert fingers. Next, she dried me with a big fluffy towel that smelled of spices and hints of lavender. Another girl had materialized in the cave and they now both helped me back onto the slab of rock over which this time had been laid out a long soft linen. I felt half dazed and relaxed and happy in spite of anything and everything that was happening to me.

  I didn't have a care in the world. The two women started chitchatting in some rapid-fire language that was completely incomprehensible to me as they took turns hammering gently but resolutely along my muscles and back with the edge of their hands. They pulled on my toes, pressed on my thighs and glutes, massaged my back and neck for minutes which felt to balloon into hours. Then they flipped me onto my back and resumed ministering to the most sensitive spots on my body. My entire flesh entered a heightened level of excitement, and I felt my legs part, and my hips rise a little above the rock as if I was offering myself, pleading, seeking out their hands, begging for their attention. But the two women ignored me and moved away coming and going, doing their thing across my body with professional sweeps as if playing an instrument.

  Little gasps started escaping my clenched lips. No matter where they touched me the women would leave little tingles of electricity vibrating long after their fingers had abandoned my skin, and soon I felt the welcome vibrations of an oncoming climax. The two masseuses placed themselves then at either side of me washing their fingers across my nipples making circular motions on them, sometimes barely touching them, sometimes pressing them down into the body of my breasts. They got a rhythm going which, without even touching my pudenda, soon brought me to the edge of a cliff from which I then inevitably tumbled into the indescribable throes of a delicious sweet climax.

  I arched my back and heard my plaintive cries echoed back from the decorated walls of the cave. I sounded like a wild animal wounded and bleating for help as the old crone, and young girl continued their careful work along my sensitive breasts. When my orgasm finally subsided, I was left to fall back down on to the rock, my body limp and inert. Without missing a beat, the two masseuses smiled at each other and moved on to resume their work along my shoulders, arms, legs, and ankles.

  The girl, however, lingered her slender fingers along my tummy; her eyes riveted to mine as if waiting for permission. I nodded and took a deep breath steeling my nerves for whatever was to follow. Then that otherworldly creature of the cave carefully made her expert hands caress on down onto the surface of my sex and opened up my flower knowing without question what to do and when. She would vibrate her hands, and then alternate by rubbing, scratching, caressing, pulling and pushing ever so gently, ever so viciously, giving me no respite, prodding me on until no matter how much I tried to stop myself, I exploded into a second climax so powerful that I fainted.


  When I opened my eyes, the curtain shielding that part of the cave parted and my heart leapt with joy. There he was – my master Dr. Jack Branigan, the love of my life smiling at me! But his lips were also sad. There was something so very tragic that seeing him like that
made me freeze in place. He looked like a sun that had lost its ability to shine.

  “I have come to see how you're doing, my child,” he said and in his voice, I heard all the unspoken emotions tumble and pour out like a waterfall in spring. I felt my voice choke up, and I couldn’t find what to say.

  “M-master,” was all I could squeak.

  “Lena, tell me, have they treated you well?”

  I nodded energetically, “Yes, they have been very hospitable.” This seems to make him relax a fraction.

  “Good. They fed you and were good to you?” I think I know what he is really asking.

  I nodded again. I reached for his hands that felt oddly cold in mine and held them tightly to the naked flesh of my warm breast. “I am yours. I have not betrayed you, master.” I stood and knelt at his feet. He felt cold and withdrawn like a man on a precipice.

  “Good sweetheart. Now sleep.”

  “But – when will you be back?”

  “Don’t worry, precious,” he put a finger on my lips as if to silence me, but I kissed it and then sucked on it, laving it with my tongue fervently, hoping for so much more. “I will be near. And I’ll see you soon. I promise.”

  When he left, I cried myself to sleep. I knew things had changed in some profound, inexplicable way. I felt alone and so very afraid, that when sleep overcame me again, I welcomed it wholeheartedly.


  This time, when I woke up, the matron was looking down on me her face grave and her bodyguard nearby.

  “Drink this, little girl,” the Queen said handing me a small cup. It smelled like herbal tea, and I didn't protest eagerly drinking down the liquid that felt invigorating and soothing all at the same time.

  “Come with me. Let’s get some strength into your body. You will need it.” I didn’t even care to ask why. My mind felt curiously relaxed and floaty as I allowed myself to be guided to another area in the large cave. I discovered I was hungry as I crouched down to devour the food almost like a wild beast. Eating naked crouched on the floor of an ancient cave was a strange, overwhelming experience and I chose to center my mind on the different subtleties of the herbs and spices in food. With every subsequent bite, it tasted better somehow. I had never before enjoyed eating so much, even when my master had cooked for me. My master? Where was he? Why had he been so profoundly sad when I saw him. Had it all been a dream?

  “When will I see my master?” I asked in between bites.

  “Soon. Keep eating. I want all the food gone.” I obeyed quickly forgetting why I had felt slivers of worry tighten my chest earlier. Soon I was done and looked up all proud like an infant having accomplished what her mommy told her to do.

  “Come, child and Hono will bathe you now. He will get you ready for your audience with the Overlord.”

  “Oh. Who is this overlord person?” I asked, but they both ignored my question. It seemed like there was smoke in the cave. I couldn’t seem to focus quite as well. The wall paintings looked smeared and undefined.

  Before I knew it, I was lifted like a child off my feet and carried across effortlessly by the giant acolyte of the matron into another hall where a large natural pool bubbled with the effervescence of hot springs. It was large and this time, the man joined me inside. With a gasp, I realized he had been castrated even though outwardly that hulk of a man looked every bit as endowed as any other male out there. He chuckled when he saw my open amazement at his lack of a scrotum.

  He started washing me softly with little white washcloths rubbing them all over my body, my breasts, my nipples, my belly, my butt, and my feet. He seemed to know what he was doing, and I was moaning in pleasure as he rubbed every inch of my body with the silky material. Then he made me stand up into the bubbles of the hot spring and began rubbing down my back. I didn't dare move lest I explode in yet another humiliating climax as he caressed my buttocks. The raw flesh of his fat fingers opened up my cheeks, and he deliberately rubbed up and down my crack making my butt spasm causing me delicious tingles that shot up and down all the way from my toes to the nape of my neck. Before I knew it, he was done, and I groaned loudly much to the amusement of my chaperones when he lifted me out of the tub and the Queen started toweling me off. I felt so very aroused and yet unfulfilled.

  Naked, washed, perfumed and on edge, I was gently escorted back to the exit of the cave. “When you meet the Overlord, don't be afraid,” the big queenly matron said. Then she caught herself and cleared her throat and looked at me again. She put both hands on my shoulders. They felt like two dark bear paws but I welcomed the strength they seemed to imbue me with. “He is scary. And it is quite pointless to tell you to ignore your feelings. If anything, you should concentrate on them and heighten your attention so that you attend to what you’re experiencing. I firmly believe in cherishing the transcendence of the physical world. Tonight you will be reborn. You will be scared out of your skin. You will feel the metal taste of pure panic on your tongue. He will love that. Especially when he kisses you. Yes, he will kiss you and much more. But don’t think about that now. Just feel.”

  “He is perhaps the most powerful man,” she seemed to think better of that word and corrected herself, “thing, being and I’m not exactly sure anymore where his strength comes from. Perhaps it feeds upon the pain and anxiety of others. He will want to push your boundaries. Do not resist him. Don’t think about it. Let yourself go, and be the vessel of your feelings.”

  I looked at the matron wondering what she meant exactly but nodded in mute agreement. I was getting leery of all the preamble and preparations by now and felt anxious to get on with and be done with the ceremony at last.

  “One other thing,” the matron added quickly before leading me on out from the cave's entrance, “– remember always to ask for permission.”

  “Permission ma'am?”

  “Before you cum,” she smiled and yet her eyes remained severely grim. “He will make you come many, many times, kitten.”

  “Now go, daughter, it’s time for you to meet He Who Brings the Night.”


  I was taken by both arms and held tight as if they expected me to bolt and run. The young women holding me had stern, solemn expressions as they guided me towards the far side of the courtyard. There in a bubbling dark pool of viscous liquid lounged a creature, unlike anything I had ever seen before. I couldn't quite make out was it tar or mud he was lounging himself in but whatever it was it was slick black and smelled like peat.

  “Your virgin offering has arrived, my Lord.” The younger more pregnant of the two women said as they both curtsied demurely.

  I heard loud splashing sounds and then knew he was going to stand and come to tower above me. I felt the two women scurry back as uncontrollable shivers started coursing through my body. I tried my best not to move. Where his hands traced across my skin blackness remained long lines and handprints like pawprints against my unblemished, innocent whiteness.

  Amazingly, I could see multitudes of rather dull gold and silver rings embedded into the skin of his chiseled torso, hips, thighs, chest, and biceps. Little clips hung on them and for a long moment, I wondered what is their purpose. Unbidden, the image of a helpless victim chained to him materialized in my head, and I shivered violently.

  The girls let go of my hands, and I instinctively fell to my knees and prostrated myself before the man or creature as he turned his head to gaze upon my nakedness. I felt the coarseness of the grass press against my breasts as I forced my chest into the ground spreading my arms sideways, my forehead down.

  “Look up at me, child,” the thing said, and I obeyed.

  He stood so tall above me that I quickly felt dizzy and nauseous looking up feeling as if I had to stare at the sky itself to find his ominous dark, brooding eyes. Even though his feet were widely spread, the thick girth of his muscled quads was such that they pressed tightly against each other just behind his scrotum.

  He seemed to know exactly where I was looking for he smiled. “Reach up with
both hands, slave, and heft my balls. Hold them and take their weight for me.” Wordlessly I obeyed feeling the massive organs in my tiny hands dense with his concentrated seed. Unbidden images flitted through my mind of what it would feel like when his semen washed across and over my virginal uterus, bathing my ovaries. A loud whimper escaped my clenched throat.

  “You are a precious obedient little one, aren’t you?” He said, and I heard his voice as if his mouth hadn’t moved but he had spoken the words directly into my brain.

  “From now on, Lena, you will always greet the Overlord by kissing first his left thigh, then his right and then his balls. Do it now,” said one of the girls behind me. I looked up at him and saw him nod his approval. There was something so quietly powerful and ominous about this giant’s presence that all sort of speech was entirely driven out of my mind. Charisma and absolute authority oozed from him like the sweat that covered his body. I almost raced to comply. It occurred to me how my entire existence the very meaning of my life had narrowed down to this one giant, all-encompassing aim – to not disappoint him or anger him. I felt my mind cloud over with his power as I drew close to him.