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Elizabeth, His Lordship’s Demure Body-Servant. Ten Volume Compilation
Elizabeth, His Lordship’s Demure Body-Servant. Ten Volume Compilation Read online
1. Elizabeth, His Lordship’s Demure Body-Servant
2. Elizabeth Discovers a New Way to Polish Her Lord's Shoes
3. Elizabeth Learns That She Is a Natural-Born Submissive
4. Elizabeth is Prepared for Her Lord
5. Elizabeth Comforts Her Lord
6. Elizabeth Begs for Her Lord's Guidance
7. Elizabeth Bathes Her Master
8. Elizabeth Learns to Squirt
9. Prepared for Naked Sushi
10. Elizabeth Tastes Different Men
Taken by the Oligarch
Taken by the Inquisition
Copyright @ 2015 Alex Carlsbad All rights reserved.
No part of this text may be reproduced, in part or in full, without express written consent from the author, except by a reviewer who may quote short passages in a review. All characters depicted are above the age of eighteen. This is a work of fiction and in no way condones acts of violence, sexual or otherwise.
Adult Reading Material
The material contained within this book is for mature audiences only. It contains graphic sexual content. It is intended only for those aged 18 and above. This book does not portray sexual intercourse between blood relatives.
Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.
1. Elizabeth, His Lordship’s Demure Body-Servant
The carriage pulled up in front of the small ramshackle house where all twelve members of the Smith family lived. Lord Edward Benedict Frederick, 13th Lord of Dixon, the owner of the local steel mill, was on a tour of the small town that had sprouted not far from his factory. It was more a show of goodwill than a sincere concern for his workers' well-being. Lord Dixon was a firm believer that the social status of a person was justified by nature and preordained by God. As far as he was concerned, it was simply the way of the world that strong men were meant to rule over the dispossessed masses.
This was the third family he was visiting for the day, and he was personally very much looking forward to being done. He did it just so the local paper could write a story of how the good Lord watched over his hard working flock. He looked up through the window of his carriage and saw his assistant already scampering up to the flimsy door of the tiny house delivering a couple of loud knocks that made the whole frame shake.
"Open up! This is Lord Dixon’s assistant and His Highness himself coming to visit you," the man bellowed.
The door screeched open an inch and then further revealing the most beautiful apparition. For a minute, both men forgot to breathe as they gazed upon the bright-eyed auburn-haired young girl that had gingerly opened the door and was now looking down at them.
"Hello," she said and lowered her eyes demurely as she caught sight of the tall beautifully dressed handsome man that stepped down from the coach. Both men smiled broadly when they saw her shudder beneath their open gazes. The assistant looked back and seeing the big smile plastered across Lord Dixon's face finally breathed a sigh of relief at having achieved his objective for the day.
"What's your name, sweetheart?" The assistant asked, his attention back on the girl.
"Elizabeth, sir." The young lady replied, her eyes still downcast. Elizabeth involuntarily bit her lip realizing that whoever these two men were, they had to be important and very rich. She had heard that men such as these expected and always got what they wished for. She stepped back and opened the door wider allowing them to enter the small house. They were both in their mid-40s and while not really handsome, they had a domineering personality about them. She noticed that the one who was taller, and also apparently the boss, smiled thinly, his expression stern and curious as he studied her openly.
"How old are you, sweetie," asked the big tall man that she realized had to be Lord Dixon, the owner of pretty much everything in their small backwoods county.
"I turned eighteen just last week, sir," Elizabeth replied.
"So young," commented the Lord. "Tell me then, when are your parents coming home?"
"My father is due back from work any minute now. My mom went to the neighbors’ to borrow some flour for the bread she is making."
"Very well. We will wait then." The two men walked over and seated themselves at the small rickety dinner table using the only two chairs there. This left Elizabeth standing awkwardly by the door.
"Tell me, sweetie, do you do housework?" The Lord asked, all of a sudden interrupting the all-encompassing silence that had befallen the tiny room. Elizabeth nodded meekly.
"Good. Good. Please do me a favor and take off that silly bonnet you're wearing. I want to see your hair," he ordered, and the girl did his bidding wondering what if anything she was expected to say.
"Come here, darling," the man motioned, and when she tiptoed to where they were sitting, the Lord reached up and slid his fingers slowly through her auburn curls that hung well past her shoulders. "Tell me, little one, have you been with a man before?"
Elizabeth shook her head, momentarily at a loss for words. "My parents have promised me to Joey, the son of the blacksmith. I am saving myself for him, sir." Elizabeth mentally chastised herself for perhaps giving the man too much information. After all she had just barely met him, and he probably considered it inappropriate to know that level of detail anyway.
"Tell me, Elizabeth, do you know what prima nocta is?" Lord Dixon asked. Suddenly Elizabeth felt lightheaded and had to lean against the wall beside where the two men were sitting.
"It is an old medieval custom, sir. Lords back then had the right to claim the chastity of a young girl on her wedding night." She added hoarsely. She could see how astonished both men appeared to be with her surprising knowledge of history.
"How did you know that?"
"When I have free time from working the fields, my Lord, I help Mrs. Andrews, our town librarian. She allows me to borrow a book every now and then." Elizabeth explained. "I love reading history, my Lord."
"Excellent. I can tell we will get along famously," the Lord said and just then, the door creaked open revealing her mother and father as they walked in. Gruff and dirty, short and stocky, the old couple couldn't look more different than the two rich, elegant men seated at their dinner table.
Elizabeth felt her breath catch in her throat at the screaming disparity between her parents and the Lord. It was almost as if they belonged to a different species!
"Mom and dad, this is Lord Dixon and his assistant Mr. Jeffrey," Elizabeth stammered. The two men remained seated merely acknowledging the new arrivals by a curt nod.
It was as if her parents had somehow intruded on them and disturbed the Lord by entering their home!
"I am in the process of doing a tour of my workers' living conditions," explained the Lord. "The press has been going on and on about the alleged squalor of your circumstances."
An awkward silence followed the man's words finally interrupted when Elizabeth's father mumbled, "Yes, sir," before shifting his stare back down at the floor in obvious shame at the poverty of his family.
"Now, now, my man, no reason to be ashamed." The Lord said his voice deep and reassuring. “Life is what it is. As Mr. Darwin has so eloquently described in his book that was published just last year, nature is simply set up that way – God dictates the survival of the better and fitter amongst us. Who am I to interfere?" Elizabeth shuddered when she realized how with every word the Lord said, her parents seemed to shrink more and more, almost as if trying to vanish entirely.
"However, your young dau
ghter Elizabeth, here," the Lord said pointing at her, "has impressed me with her knowledge and poise." At his words both her parents suddenly looked up and Elizabeth noticed their faces darkened with worry. Why weren't they happy and proud at the obvious compliment the Lord had just made, Elizabeth wondered.
"Therefore, I am prepared to help your family by hiring your daughter is my personal body-servant." The Lord announced.
"Your body-servant?" Repeated her dad, clearly not quite grasping the meaning of the word.
Lord Dixon looked up at his assistant who hurried to explain, "Yes, a body-servant. She will take care of Lord Dixon's needs throughout the day and night. On especially cold days, she might even be expected to warm his bed for him. Of course, when he's not around, she will be assisting the other members of his household with the normal chores such as cleaning, dusting, and laundry. Do you have a problem with any of this?"
"But she's only eighteen –" her mother suddenly exclaimed!
Elizabeth saw her father raise his hand making her mother stop herself. "No disrespect, my Lord. We are honored and humbled by your interest in Elizabeth. I merely asked that you allow me to point out that our sweet Lizzie is a proper Christian girl. She is still a virgin –"
Lord Dixon smiled broadly, "That is precisely the reason I like her so much! Not only is she intelligent and well educated, given the circumstances, but she's also properly behaved and very chaste. Let me make you this promise – when and if she's done working for me, your daughter shall be returned to you still a virgin. I shall not take it upon myself to break God's will and take away from her that which you obviously value so much!"
Elizabeth almost gasped out loud when she saw the obvious relief that washed over her parents' expressions. She couldn't believe that they were discussing her virginity with those virtual strangers right there in front of her without so much as acknowledging her feelings on the matter.
"Thank you, my Lord!" Her father exclaimed and was accompanied by her mother's deep curtsy.
"Not only that," Lord Dixon went on lifting his arm to stay any further outbursts from the elderly couple, "but, I also promise to make sure that you Mr. Smith, shall not be laid off from your work at my factory, so long as your daughter stays gainfully employed at my household."
"Thank you, sir!" Elizabeth was shocked to see both her parents bow deeply.
"Very well. Now that we've gotten this silly negotiation out of the way let us shake hands and make it a deal. Shall we?!" The Lord said offering his large manicured hand that her parents immediately ran over to shake. Elizabeth looked on in utter and shameful disbelief as her mother went so far as to cover the Lord's hand with kisses.
It was done! Just like that, she was now made part of Lord Dixon Frederick's household! If she didn't know any better, Elizabeth could have sworn it had to be some sort of dream, or nightmare really.
"Elizabeth, now that we have the permission of your parents, I would like you to please disrobe for us." The Lord said sitting back and crossing his legs. A loud gasp escaped her lips at these words. Elizabeth looked to her parents for help, but the elderly couple merely took a couple of steps back and was obviously trying to avoid her eyes.
"It is only appropriate that as your employer I first get to ascertain the quality of your goods, so to speak."
Elizabeth fleshed crimson at the obvious implication of the Lord’s words. These men considered her to be no more than an object to do their bidding. Demurely she bowed her head so that her hair now covered her. But she looked on at the rich man and his underling, and his eyes struck him as devoid of any compassion. She felt like a tender animal of the woods standing before her hunter: her eyes wide with fear. Elizabeth's chest heaved with anxious breath as she saw how this made her future master smile with delight.
Slowly, she slid off her clogs, and taking a moment to steel her nerves, she pushed down on her long skirt sliding it off her perfectly shaped legs, toned and tanned from the endless hours working in the fields. She looked up at her future Master, her cheeks blushing deeply and saw him nod his approval. Next, she collected the ends of her long white simple shirt and with one heave pulled it off revealing herself for the first time naked before a man.
"Come, sit in my lap, innocent beauty," the man ordered. Elizabeth felt stunned but did as he said, careful to not look at her parents, lest she faint with humiliation. She gingerly sat down, placing her naked butt along the thick broad thigh of Lord Dixon. She was feeling shy like never before and tried to cover her breasts with her hands as best she could. Her long curly hair, full and heavy, of a delicate silken consistency, cascaded around her shoulders aiding in her tenuous chastity. She felt him draw himself near to her naked blushing form and lifting her hair from her right shoulder, he kissed her. He kissed her on her lips, opening her mouth with his tongue and gently holding her hands, he laid them down on her naked lap so that he now could reach her breasts that he started squeezing. Elizabeth was breathing in fast short breaths at the sensation of being touched for the very first time in her life by a man more than twice her age.
The Lord kissed her for a long time before pulling back, "I have made a promise to preserve your chastity, but I do expect your eager acceptance of your new situation. Do you understand what I'm saying here, sweet girl?" Lord Dixon asked hefting her breast in his hand. Elizabeth knew exactly what he meant and nodded her understanding. This time, when he kissed her again, she kissed him back allowing her tongue to do its bidding and dance and wash over her master.
They kissed for an even longer time now, and gradually Elizabeth discovered that she enjoyed it. She was just beginning to lose herself in the warm sensations that had started strumming through her abdomen when the Lord suddenly pulled back and looking over at her parents cleared his throat. They were standing by the door clearly uncomfortable and looking at the ground.
"I expect you are busy people. I will take no umbrage if you resume whatever chores you have to do today. I only ask that you give me some space here so that my assistant and I can start Elizabeth off on some preliminaries."
"Thank you, your highness," said her father, carefully avoiding looking in their general direction. "I have but one last question, if you permit," he added.
"Go ahead," Lord Dixon ordered and noticed that as they were speaking Elizabeth had brought her hands up to cover her breasts again. Her cheeks had gotten moist with tears, and she was trembling slightly. He lifted a finger to stay her father so he could say something, “You are never to cover yourself like that again in my presence, sweetie." The Lord's voice sounded almost tender as he swept her hand away and lifted her auburn hair back from her face.
"Yes, my Lord," Elizabeth whispered. She had such a lovely little voice. "But it is so difficult."
"Of course it is," Lord Dixon said. "But for me, you will do it." He looked back at her father and nodded his permission for him to continue with his question.
"Your highness, when will it be possible for us to see our sweet Lizzy again?" The man asked.
"Excellent question, dear man. Usually, it takes a young impressionable girl such as herself some time to adapt to the new circumstances,” the Lord replied. His hand lingered on her inner thigh as he spoke, and he moved it forward to where now the tips of his fingers were drawing lazy circles in the tufts of auburn hair between her legs. Her breath sounded labored and raspy, but she fought to stay quiet and keep her hands by her sides as instructed. “Lord knows, Lizzie has a lot to learn." Just then Lord Dixon slipped the tip of his finger past her entrance eliciting a tiny yelp that she immediately stifled. "I would say three months from now would be a realistic time."
"Thank you, my Lord," her father said bowing low.
"Before you go, I'd like to say, Mr. Smith, ma'am, how pleased I am with your daughter's upbringing. I find Elizabeth extremely obedient and eager to please. This makes me very, very happy, you should know," he looked on as her parents bowed again. Lord Dixon centered his attention back on Elizabeth, who had
slipped her right arm around his thick neck steadying herself as she splayed her thighs further giving him access to her intimate triangle.
"Now, tell goodbye to your parents." The Lord instructed.
"Mom, dad, I love you," Elizabeth did all she could to control her voice and stifle the sobs threatening to erupt. "It will all be for the best, I promise."
Her dad nodded, "Obey Lord Dixon, and be a good girl, Lizzie."
The Lord of the county nodded permitting her parents to finally leave the room.
He then took a moment to kiss her trembling mouth again and then slapped her breasts gently so that they wiggled lively across her tiny chest. "Do not be afraid, little one," he said. "You shall soon see that I’m not the monster you expect, but merely a busy man with some certain desires that I think you will grow to appreciate. Now please stand up and get us some wine, will you? It has been a long day and both Mr. Jeffrey and myself are quite thirsty."
The Lord and his assistant watched with obvious appreciation as the young girl blushed violently but stood and went to the small area, off to the side of the tiny house where their little kitchen was located. Soon she came back with two clay cups full of red wine. The Lord and his assistant took a few long gulps while she stood and watched. Lord Dixon saw how the naked young beauty blushed darkly, biting her lip.
"Are you thirsty, Elizabeth?" He asked. Lord Dixon saw that she was momentarily at a loss for words. "You should learn to speak like a proper servant girl. So when I ask a question, and you wish to reply in the affirmative, you are to say, "If it pleases you, my Lord." If you wish to indicate that no is the answer, you should say, "Not unless you wish so, my Lord." Do you understand?"
"Yes, my Lord," Elizabeth replied. "I'm thirsty for some wine, if that pleases you, my Lord."
The rich man smiled with pleasure at the quick ease with which she was adapting to her new life. "Mr. Jeffrey, I think I owe you an apology. I was starting to worry that today was going to be yet another boring day full of drudgery and annoyance. But I do stand corrected. It seems that we did not happen upon sweet Elizabeth here by chance, did we?" The Lord asked while handing Elizabeth the cup with the remainder of the red wine that she quickly drank.