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- Alex Carlsbad
Lena's Fall: Volumes Eight through Fifteen of Lena’s Journey
Lena's Fall: Volumes Eight through Fifteen of Lena’s Journey Read online
Dilated, Treated and Healed
Lena’s Metamorphosis: The Awakening of a Girl
Lena’s Metamorphosis: Interrogating A Slave
Kiss of the Strap
Isla’s Special Gift
Trapping Lena
Teaching Lena
Boxing Lena
Surrendering Lena
Mastering Lena
Milked in London
Schooling the Teacher
Elizabeth, His Lordship’s Demure Body-Servant: Volumes 1 through 5
Unusual Passions
Taken by the Warlord
Copyright @ 2016 Alex Carlsbad All rights reserved.
No part of this text may be reproduced, in part or in full, without express written consent from the author, except by a reviewer who may quote short passages in a review. All characters depicted are above the age of eighteen. This is a work of fiction and in no way condones acts of violence, sexual or otherwise.
Adult Reading Material
The material contained within this book is for mature audiences only. It contains graphic sexual content. It is intended only for those aged 18 and above. This book does not portray sexual intercourse between blood relatives.
Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.
Dilated, Treated and Healed
“How do you feel?” I ask as we walk downstairs from my bedroom. Lena’s pretty little face noticeably tightens with apprehension every other step or so. Neither one of us is wearing clothes and I can see her stealing sidelong glances at me that inevitably make her shiver and blush violently. I smile and squeeze her hand tighter. "How do you feel, sweetheart?"
I can see her apprehension at my question.
"F-fine,” she says a little breathlessly as we finally make it downstairs and she steps onto the cold cement. I can see she remembers to stand on tiptoe, the toes on her pretty naked little feet grasping against the cold floor for purchase.
I marvel at her natural eagerness to please. Since I first instructed her to make an effort and stand on tip toes whenever she is not kneeling or sitting, Lena has been the epitome of diligence and hard work. Every now and then I can see her knees tremble and I know that sometimes, when she thinks that I'm not looking, she relaxes down on the soles of her feet for a few moments of rest. I let those small transgressions slide for now. She's making such an effort to follow my instructions and be a good trainee that I cannot blame her little lapses. Not yet.
“How are you feeling back there?” I ask again gently placing my hand across her deliciously little butt. I took her anal virginity less than an hour ago and she did surprisingly well. I know however, that my twelve inch manhood couldn’t have slid all the way inside her without causing at least some bruising, no matter how excited she might have felt at the time. When the endorphins of her orgasm wear off any moment now, she’ll start to feel the deep pain of her first anal ravishment.
She almost jumps at the touch.
“Remember! No secrets, sweetheart. I need to know everything you feel and any worries you might have.”
It is as if my words strike some hidden chord that suddenly makes her pivot while still holding my hand. She faces me and I see a deep anxiety in her troubled eyes.
"It hurts, sir,” Lena says still somehow managing to maintain her balance on the balls of her feet. I see her reach back with her free hand and touch herself. "I-I'm sorry…, I just think… we did it a little too fast. Maybe something ripped…” her eyes are big and pleading as if begging me to help her. Little hiccups make her body tremble with apprehension, her voice cracking with the strain of her emotions.
Her words make my heart lurch sideways. I'm not sure I would be able to stay strong much longer if it turns out that I have inadvertently harmed my little sweetheart. I force myself to maintain my expression implacable as I reach to hug her tightly against me. She gasps feeling the nakedness of my cock rub against her chest where she stands. At five foot seven she looks like a child in comparison to my six foot nine frame.
"Shhh, sweetheart. I am a doctor remember?” I say gently caressing her hair which has gotten matted with sweat and tears from her experience moments ago. “I am sure everything is okay, baby love. But I will check nonetheless. I know how big I am and how little your tush is. Even if I hurt you, your body is young and very fit. It will heal fast and I will help it get all better along the way. I am sure no harm has been done but let me see.”
She whimpers as I effortlessly pick her up by the waist and carry her over to one of the big leather couches in my living room. I place her there on all fours and walk around to inspect her distended hole. I can see her blush violently in shame and I chuckle. How innately naive and gentle my little Lena is — still so shy around me even though, after almost a month with me, I know her body better than she knows it herself. She buries her head in her hands offering her ass up for me to inspect.
I gently hold her cheeks apart and push to reveal her puckered opening. It is an angry color of red, but it doesn’t look like there are any lacerations. Best I check, however. I bend and gently lick the tip of my tongue touching her hot ring that immediately tenses at the sensation.
“Oh, oh, oh…” little mewling whimpers escape her clenched lips but she quickly quietens down as I place my hand on the small of her back and start rubbing slow, soothing circles there. Once I feel her start to relax, I push a little bit forward with my lips and prod deeper with my tongue, tasting her for any sign of blood. Thankfully, all I can sense are merely the inflamed and hot insides of her colon, but I cannot detect any damage. My heart swells with joy, and this makes me wonder yet again, if I am truly the right man to be helping my sweet Lena with her training as a submissive.
The process of indoctrinating a young, inexperienced girl like herself, is bound to be a long, drawn out afair, and I am worried that my deep feelings for her will not allow me to be as strict as I have to. I wonder if I shouldn’t perhaps talk to some of my dominant friends and look for someone more severe that can take her under tutelage for a couple of months? A soft mewling sound escapes her lips just then and I feel her hips rock involuntarily. A drop of thick clear liquid oozes from between her tight labia and drips down to the leather of the couch coating it in a wet sheen.
She is too precious for words. My cock twitches instinctively at the lovely sight of her supplicant form kneeling on all fours on the couch and offering herself up to me to be mastered. No, there is no way I will let someone else step in between us. At least not yet, not until that first stage of imprinting her impressionable virgin mind is done. I simply have no choice. Destiny has made me be her master, the one that will help her break out of her childish innocence and then guide her into rebuilding herself into the sensuous submissive I know she will become.
“Yup, nothing out of the ordinary, sweetheart," I say as I pass a finger along the ring of her sphincter which even though red and clearly bruised, is perfectly healthy and unharmed from the vicious assault I gave it less than an hour ago.
In spite of my best intentions, my natural fascination with her body and my professional curiosity get the better of me, "How curious," I say and I see her little head shoot up and turn around to see what I'm talking about. "You must have been very thirsty when I took your butt a few moments ago. I am quite certain I deposited a rather large vol
ume of cum up there and yet I don't see any of it in your body."
Somehow, amazingly her blush deepens and she squeals burying her face again in the plush leather of the couch. "There is nothing to be ashamed off, sweetheart. It is just the natural way the human body works. The colon is the place where liquids are absorbed. The fact that you so quickly and easily took up the entire volume I deposited there means that you must be on the verge of dehydration. This makes perfect sense given that you are now in milk,” I say and the girl groans again, louder this time. She is probably hoping that the bed can somehow open and swallow her up rescuing her from further humiliation. “Something tells me that if we take care of your thirst, the stress you feel will naturally dissipate as well.”
“Go get yourself some water from the kitchen and I will be right back,” I say making her jump as I slap her butt playfully.
“There is something I need to grab from my office upstairs. I think it will help you recover faster down there.”
A couple of moments later the beautiful brunette watches with trepidation as I return. I laugh when I see her furrowed little brow as she is obviously trying to guess at the contents of the paper bag in my hands. The fact that Lena is still in position on all fours on the couch doesn’t escape me. She is naturally indecisive and simply meant to be taken in hand by someone with experience like myself who also has the means and the will to guide her through life. Yes, the hand of Destiny can be seen all over our budding relationship.
“These are the dried out leaves of a very exotic plant. It can only grow on the southern slopes of the Himalayas. I brought back some samples from one of my travels in Nepal many years ago.”
I take a seat on the couch and motion her to lay herself across my thighs. Naturally docile, Lena doesn't even think of questioning me at this point and merely takes a deep breath and positions herself so that her sweet little tummy is now rubbing against my raging hard-on.
Suddenly I feel the small fist of her right hand begin to worm itself between my knees. I spread my legs a little wider still holding her carefully around the waist lest she loses her balance and topples to the floor. I smile as I give her the access she wants. Soon her cold clammy fingers find my testicles that she gently starts massaging.
At this point in her training, Lena has developed a sort of infatuation with my manhood. I know that touching it and massaging it, provide her with a certain degree of solace and I am not about to deny her that measure of respite.
“Sweetheart, when is the last time you went to pee?”
I realize my question takes her by surprise. “Uhm… I'm not sure maybe not since last night?”
“Hmmm… This will not be easy for you. The natural substances contained within the plants are a very powerful diuretic.”
“What is a diuretic?” Her eyes are huge pools of emerald.
“It is something that makes your body want to pee,” I explain.
“Yeah. Unfortunately there is no way around it — you will have to hold your pee for another twelve hours at least until the full effect of the herbs registers with your body.”
“Oh, no…” She says in a little whimper.
“Unfortunately yes, my dear. The way this works is by releasing a set of natural compounds in your body that will speed up the healing process in your butt. It will make you feel warm and tingly back here,” I say as I touch her angry-looking sphincter. I feel her body tighten and bristle at the sensation. “You will even probably run a fever.
“Traditionally the way this is administered is to have the Shaman or doctor of the village chew on the leaves and then spit out the pulp onto the wound. The natural enzymes in the saliva immediately start activating the medicinal compounds in the leaves. Soon the lacerated skin is as good as new. Maybe better,” I give her a playful wink. I can’t possibly imagine how Lena’s body can be any more gorgeous or healthy. I see the first tentative hint of a smile shimmer across her beautiful lips.
“You just try your best to relax. Trust me, I know it will work.”
“Oh, my God,” she says quietly. Her dainty little hand on my balls starts massaging them in ever faster little squeezes. I look over and see her face scrunched up with anxiety. "Lena, sweetheart do me a favor and take your other hand and suck on your thumb. It will help you with your anxiety, sweetheart. Okay?"
“Yes, master,” Lena immediately does as I suggest and wraps her mouth around her digit and I can see her doleful eyes looking at me as her cheeks hollow out with suction. She's so sweet and impressionable! My beautiful little submissive slave. I cannot stop myself and lean forward to plant a gentle, loving kiss on her quivering butt.
"This may hurt a little at first," I explain as I take a handful of dried out leaves from the paper bag and toss them in my mouth. Something about their texture and sharp, acrid taste makes my mouth water as I start chewing on them. I care nothing for the building hotness and spice I feel as I deliberately grind my teeth against the thick dry veins of the leaves.
Thankfully my next task goes a long way towards distracting me from the fiery sensations shooting between my cheeks. As gently as I can I use the tips of my fingers and with both hands slowly open the pink softness of Lena's butt to reveal her tight anus. She takes a deep breath and lets it go between her pursed lips as I gently start massaging her tiny angry-looking red puckered opening.
First, I only place my index finger on her anal ring and feel her hotness there. Then, I slowly start to rub in little caressing movements the tiny muscle coaxing it to slowly relax and open up. I keep at it with deliberate slowness waiting for many minutes before gently edging in my thick finger.
Her breathing is heavy and labored and a thin sheen of sweat blossoms across her radiant skin as I finally manage to make her tight little butt open for me and allow my index finger in deep. Her velvety anal tract is deliciously moist and soft as I feel it ripple with anxiety. Keeping my buried digit still, I bring up the index finger of my other hand and slowly begin edging it in next to my tightly squeezed finger already nestled in between the peachy globes of my charge.
Suddenly I realize that my cock is getting hard again. And then I smile — the subconscious is a very powerful thing indeed! Even though I hadn't consciously noticed it, the wet sucking sounds coming from Lena's cute little mouth as she tries to sooth herself by sucking noisily on her thumb, have triggered an instinctive response from my cock making it react in a wild and primal manner.
Almost half an hour later I have her dilated enough that I can finally drip in the paste all the way into her. I position myself above the orifice and carefully allow the pulpy mush of medicinal plants and saliva to slowly dribble into Lena's body. I feel her tense up and her anus attempt to close in consternation as she realizes what is happening. But I have my fingers placed so that I keep her butt open wide so it can take the medicine I put into it. Then, holding onto her squirming hips with one hand, I reach out with my free one and grab another fistful of dried plants that I shove in my mouth to repeat the process.
We keep at it — her hand massaging my balls, her lips sucking anxiously on her thumb, my fingers massaging her rosebud, and my mouth diligently chewing on the medicinal plants for many hours until I have virtually stuffed her little tail with as much material as it can take.
“There, sweetheart. All done for now,” I say at last. “Try and see if you can give me your hand… Yes, the one from your mouth will do just fine.” I guide her fingers back to her nether opening. “I forgot to bring the plug from upstairs. I will run up to get it but I need you to bury at least two or three fingers in yourself and hold them tight. I am afraid that your body will attempt to dislodge the paste I placed in it,” I say and gently move her around so that I can stand.
I can see Lena carefully place her fingers holding them snug against her rosebud as I sprint upstairs to retrieve the butt plug from my nightstand.
“Nggggh,” a hiss esca
pes her tightly pursed lips. “Oh, my God! Take it out…” she moans when I finally squeeze the butt plug all the way into her already tightly packed little posterior. Finally the shiny metal makes it past allowing her anal ring to close around the flange at its base. “Nghhhh…”
“Shhhh… sweetheart…” I say and kiss her panting lips. “Here… allow me to do my best and distract you. Before you know it, the paste will start doing its little job and you will feel much more comfortable. I want you to heal up as quickly as you can. This is why we are doing all this. I don't want my little baby to be in pain longer than she has to. Okay?”
“Yesss… master. I’m trying to be good… Its just so… uncomfortable right now…”
“I know, sweetheart. I know. But your are being so strong for your master… I am impressed.”
I marvel at my docile little submissive. Since Lena signed her contract of service with me almost one month ago, not once has she attempted to call me anything but master or sir. I love her natural submissiveness and feel an almost constant need to pinch myself lest it turns out I’m dreaming.
“Come, sweetheart. Here is what we will do,” I say as I cautiously wrap my hand around her squirming midriff and lift her up. I position her standing on her tip toes on the floor and I make her lean her forehead against the high armrest of the leather couch as I lower myself and squirm in between her spread legs. Even in that position — with me almost lying on the floor between her knees, and her — standing on tip toes, my head barely fits beneath her tight little pelvis as I squirm in between her legs. Lena is too enveloped with the sensations emanating from the paste in her butt to realize that she is virtually sitting on my face.
Then I feel her body shiver violently as my lips touch her sensitive little clit that I have grown to love so much.