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  • Elizabeth, His Lordship’s Demure Body-Servant. Ten Volume Compilation Page 14

Elizabeth, His Lordship’s Demure Body-Servant. Ten Volume Compilation Read online

Page 14

  The men laughed and then her master said, "You need to learn to keep quiet."

  “Maybe she is hungry indeed. All this food probably makes her mouth water. The poor girl has surely never seen a feast quite like that before in her life.”

  “Perhaps we can help her. Maybe we can do a tasting of sorts,” she could hear a playful note make its appearance in her Lords deep voice. “I’m quite sure Elizabeth would be thrilled to tell us the difference between how we all taste.”

  “Brilliant!” Without further ado, the men sprang into action clearing off the food and decorations from the naked girl’s body. Elizabeth felt her skin glow hot for she was quite certain she knew what they were talking about. They were going to make her drink their cum. She was going to be body slave to all three of them!

  When her master spoke next, she heard his voice acquire that distant intonation it so often did when he was lost in thought.

  “I think we will have her blindfolded. That way we can test to see if a woman can discern her master’s cum from a group of samples.” Loud claps echoed in the room as the two other men were clearly enthralled with Lord Dixon’s suggestion.

  “When was the girl's period?” It was Lord Cunningham.

  “Why do you ask?” Lord Dixon’s voice sounded deep like the growl of a bear.

  “I have heard that ovulating girls have a better sense of taste and smell than most.” Lord Cunningham answered rather breathlessly.

  A long moment of silence was interrupted by Lord Dixon looking down on the naked girl. “Good point. Please tell us, Elizabeth, when was your last period?”

  “Almost ten days ago, my Lord,” she said wishing to God she could make herself invisible.

  “I guess we are in luck.”

  Before she knew it, the food and plates were removed from the table, and Elizabeth felt her master’s strong hands gently help her down.

  “Kneel, girl,” Lord Dixon growled, and Elizabeth was only too happy to comply. She felt emotionally drained, tears straining to burst as she forced her muscles to obey. They felt like rubber, but the experience was most almost over! Her master had wanted her to train her to accept the shame of publicly displaying herself to his guests and she had survived it! She only had one more job to do before it was all over.

  With superhuman effort, Elizabeth forced herself to crawl forward and sat up on her knees. She splayed her thighs widely as she had been taught, offering her body’s intimacies for all to see.

  “Good girl,” her master’s closer to her and offered her his hand. Elizabeth felt her face redden, but she knew exactly what he wanted her to do. She was to perform obeisance by kissing his hand and then honoring his manhood. Demurely the young body servant kissed the knuckles of the large hand drawing strength from her master. Gingerly she then reached up and undid his fly. Her hand felt small as she pushed it forward and snuck past his undergarment reaching for the thick throbbing tumescence she had become so familiar with these last couple of weeks.

  Little sounds of girlish excitement escaped her quivering lips as she found it and gently cradled the wonderful manhood that had brought her so much delight and which was now coming back to life again. Elizabeth had felt frightened and alone having been made to display herself to her Lord’s guests, but now, with his cock firmly growing in her warm grasp, she felt afraid no longer. Instead, feelings of loving adoration suffused her body, and a warm glow washed over her causing her skin to blush in delicious pink which did not escape Lord Cunningham and the ambassador.

  “Old friend, I have to say that seeing your new little one service you like that fills my heart with deep envy,” Lord Cunningham chuckled.

  Her master grunted something in agreement as Elizabeth felt her face come up to brush against his semi flaccid manhood. Reverently she put out her tongue and licked all over his meaty head. She moved slowly, reveling in the taste and musk of his pre-cum. She kissed the very tip where upon its wide slit lay and sucked noisily on it before peppering his length up and down on both sides with small little kisses. Now and then she would look up at him and whisper, “Master, master, master…” Then having completed her ritual of obeisance, she pulled back with palpable reluctance and replaced his now clearly engorged cock back in his trousers, and closed the zipper.

  She sat back on her heels and having placed her hands with her palms facing upwards looked up demurely at Lord Dixon.

  “Very well, sweetheart,” he lovingly patted the top of her head. “You do make me proud. Now please do the same for our guests and then we shall proceed with the tasting.”

  Elizabeth had been afraid that her master might ask her to honor the guests and stifled a whimper of reluctance. She knew she didn’t want to embarrass him by displaying her emotions and so merely crawled over on all fours to where Lord Cunningham was standing and repeated the procedure.

  She forced herself to follow through with all elements of the ritual of obeisance without rushing and thereby hurting the powerful man’s feelings. She knelt up, undid his trousers, reached in and having lovingly cupped his rapidly hardening cock, kissed its tip and laved its head. It wasn’t until a little bit later that Elizabeth realized that Lord Cunningham’s member was only the second manhood she had ever seen in her life. While ministering to it, she was struck by how different it looked from that of her master. It wasn’t quite as long and had a distinctly different if not unpleasant aroma. Still Elizabeth diligently followed through with the ritual before proceeding to prostrate herself in front of the guest of honor, Ambassador Yamamoto.

  The Japanese man bowed gently in her direction before she reached in and unveiled his proud cock. Elizabeth was struck by how different this manhood was. It was just a smidgen shorter than Lord Dixon’s but much more thick in girth and very dark in color. His manhood had to have been recently bathed because it had no discernible scent at all. Elizabeth fervently kissed it, covering its entire surface multiple times with her lips. She took the time to properly acknowledge the man whose visit was so important to her master. Later, when she was done and sat back on her heels, Elizabeth permitted herself a brief glance up and was happy to see the genuine appreciation in the older man’s eyes. She was happy to see that the men were satisfied with her efforts.

  “Take the blindfold from the table, Lizzie, and cover your eyes.” The room was plunged back in absolute darkness as Elizabeth obediently did as ordered. Soon her ears started making up for her eyes’ lack of sight by allowing her to hear the sighs and movements of the three men who were no doubt in the process of providing the cream she was about to taste and swallow.

  Before long muffled grunts filled the room and Elizabeth knew that her last task for the evening was about to begin. She heard her master summon the butler and whisper something. She could tell when Reginald came to stand by her when the unwelcome smell of the unpleasant man filled her nostrils.

  “The Lords have instructed me to tell you that I will offer you three glass cups. You are to take your time with each and drink all there is inside.” Elizabeth couldn’t help but squirm at the derision and palpable hatred she heard in Reginald’s voice. “Then, before you move on to the next sample, you are to describe its taste and attempt to guess its originator. Any questions, girl?”

  “No, sir,” Elizabeth answered in a small voice. She instinctively licked her lips and prepared herself to drink the cream of the three men in the room.

  Elizabeth felt extremely self-conscious at being made to drink the spume of these three men like that. It was awfully strange to her to taste the cream in the absence of the organ that had produced it. The act felt clinical and profoundly obscene to the young virgin making her squirm in apprehension. Then Elizabeth remembered that a significant reason for her ordeal tonight was Lord Dixon’s wish to get her used to the idea of accepting the innate sexual side of her body and desires. He had explained how he wanted her to lose that prudish shame and humility that had been ingrained in her since she was a child, feelings that over time had grown t
o become second nature to her. Sitting alone and naked while wearing a blindfold and made to taste the cum of three different men, surely had to go a long way towards achieving her master’s goal.

  Elizabeth smelled the sharp, tangy aroma of the cream before she was even offered the first cup. Goosebumps blossomed along her skin as she took it from Reginald. “Think you, sir.” Elizabeth said from habit and took a deep breath. She wasn’t even sure why but she intuitively felt certain she knew who the man was who had made that particular noxious sample. She gingerly brought the cup up to her lips and suppressed a gag reflex.

  The cream felt salty and thick as it poured over her tongue coating it in slimy abandon. She had to take a moment and swallow this first small portion that had entered her mouth before attempting to down the rest.

  She could hear the men softly murmuring something to each other obviously careful not to give her any clues as to the sample’s owner. By the time Elizabeth was done swallowing the last portion of cum, its warmth was gone, and she had to actively fight back an overwhelming sense of nausea.

  “May I,” she cleared her throat much to the amusement of Reginald, who chuckled where he stood above her kneeling form. “may I ask for a glass of water, please,” Elizabeth asked. Reginald took his time replying.

  “Go ahead, you heard the girl,” Lord Dixon bellowed sending the butler scurrying to fulfill her request. The cold water felt like manna from heaven, washing away the noxious nastiness she had just swallowed.

  “Tell us what you think, child,” ordered her master. “How does it taste and who do you think made it?”

  “I – I think it… It tasted a little bitter and tangy, maybe even a little like a slimy gulp of soap, my Lord,” Elizabeth stammered. “Pardon me, my Lord, it’s just that I don’t have much experience… Perhaps it was a bit rich for me,” she explained trying as best she could to hide her revulsion. “I think the man who produced it is Lord Cunningham, my Lord.” Elizabeth bowed her head shyly steeling herself to be rebuked.

  Loud applause greeted her statement much to Elizabeth’s surprise.

  “Very well done, young girl, very well indeed!” Lord Cunningham bellowed. “I think she’s on to something about the taste there,” he explained in bemusement. “I do believe her keen taste buds are picking up the after effects of the rather rich tripe soup and vinegar I had for breakfast this morning.” The men congratulated the elderly Lord and playfully teased him on his large appetite.

  “Time for sample number two,” Lord Dixon’s deep voice thundered.

  There was not much substance to the contents of the next cup and when she was asked about its taste Elizabeth was at a genuine loss how to describe it.

  “It is so very different from the first sample, my Lord,” she tried explaining. “I mean it’s a little salty but very little, and just a tiny bit bitter, but I seriously could not discern a distinct flavor.”

  “Interesting. And who do you think made that sample?” Asked Lord Dixon.

  “Perhaps I am mistaken, my Lords, but I think it belongs to the ambassador,” she said in a small voice. Somehow she really didn’t want it to be her master’s spume. She realized that she was actually looking forward to the sweet familiar taste of his cream. Over time, she had developed a fondness for its texture and flavor and was afraid it might have been altered by his mood or something he had recently eaten.

  A long silence followed her statement. Elizabeth felt herself grow weak at the thought that she might have offended someone or made a mistake and was just about to apologize when loud applause rang out yet again.

  “The girl is phenomenal,” exclaimed Cunningham to the vocal affirmations of Ambassador Yamamoto.

  “You did extremely well, Elizabeth,” Lord Dixon said, and she felt her insides turn to mush at the warmth of her master’s voice. “In fact you are doing so well that I think I will reward you in a special way later tonight, my dear.”

  “Thank you, my Lord,” Elizabeth said lowering her head as she tried to hide her deeply flushed cheeks.

  “Now go ahead and tell us what you think of my cream, sweet girl,” her master ordered. Elizabeth looked up and actually reached out with both hands blindly grasping for the third and best sample as far as she was concerned. She knew its taste would do away with the noxious bitterness and bland nothingness of what she had been made to ingest earlier. She licked her lips in delicious anticipation already tasting Lord Dixon’s delicious cream in her mind.

  ***To be continued***

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  , His Lordship’s Demure Body-Servant. Ten Volume Compilation