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Lena's Fall: Volumes Eight through Fifteen of Lena’s Journey Page 14
Lena's Fall: Volumes Eight through Fifteen of Lena’s Journey Read online
Page 14
I opened my eyes and wiped back the tears that had started pouring down my cheeks. Inadvertently I happened to glance upon the two children who seemed to be genuinely entertained by my plight. For all I knew they probably didn’t know any better. It was as if I had traveled back in time to some prehistoric society.
“Okay! Okay, okay,” I said and hurriedly walked over to the corner. “I’ll do it!”
The matron grunted something but seemed utterly unimpressed by my decision. It was as if she had always known I would eventually cave in.
I could see the children giggling and the giant ogling me lasciviously as I held on to the rock face for balance and forced myself to relax so that I could release my urine.
Finally, the sound of my pee joined the sounds of the cave. Much to my deepening shame the kids high-fived each other. I was grateful that in that particular spot, where I was crouching, the lighting was exceptionally meager and nobody could make out the intensity of my blush.
“Do you need to defecate too?” Did she really just ask that? It was the clinically analytical tone of her voice that sent a chill right through to my spine. It was as if it was the most normal thing to have a naked girl relieve herself publicly in front of everybody in the small confined space of a cave.
"N-no," I stammered awkwardly hoping against hope that they wouldn’t make me do it.
"Are you sure?" The woman arched an eyebrow quizzically and for a chilling instant I was certain she was taunting me to say something disrespectful, just so she could punish me. I nodded helplessly. She grumbled something in reply and indicated it was time to continue with our progress through the cave.
For an old podgy woman like the matron, she carried herself with impressive poise and speed in spite of the fact that she was, and there’s no easy way to put it – enormously overweight!
Long sloughs of skin like flippers on an otherworldly creature covered her back all the way to her butt which was gargantuan and yet she didn’t seem to lose stride but in fact kept walking faster! I had to hurry just so that I could keep up with her. I've never known a person quite as corpulent as her. I didn’t know her name and I was afraid to ask. In spite of her obvious problem, I had the distinct impression that she had such strong willpower that if she ever chose to lose all that weight, it would be a foregone conclusion. In a couple of months, she would be as svelte and athletic-looking as she wished. She just appeared to exude an undeniable aura of resolve about her. Her gait and the authority with which she looked down on everybody else made me wonder if it had more to do with her position in the hierarchy of the tribe.
If somebody ever asked me who I imagined could be the human personification of Mother Earth, I would say the matron I met that day in the cave.
Suddenly the woman then stopped and turned to look at me. She could probably see my body flutter with the obvious terror and anxiety I was feeling right about now. Had I done something to displease her again?
“Why are you afraid?” Something in her voice, perhaps her motherly seriousness with which she carried herself, made me want to share my innermost thoughts with her. Her English was flawless except for a tiny accent that sounded almost….Puerto Rican?
“I don't know, ma'am,” I stammered looking timidly down. “I don't want to displease you.”
“Oh kitten…” she said and stepped forward and put a hand that felt big and soft and warm and strong on my cheek. There was an immeasurable sadness in her voice that somehow resonated with my own emotions. I pushed into her hand which almost covered my entire face from cheekbone to neck. “It is good that you strive to please. An admirable quality in a young slave-in-training, but don't let it become the overpowering end-all or be-all of your life. It's true I am a Mistress here and everybody else, even Hono behind you, are my slaves. But that doesn't mean that they hate me or I look down on them. It definitely doesn’t mean that they live in constant fear of me. Quite the contrary sweetheart,” she amazingly drew closer to me and I stifled an irrational urge to hug her and seek solace in her embrace.
“The reason they are all here is simply because they have decided that I should be the one making their decisions in their lives for them. Now, their freedom comes from knowing that there’s nothing in their future they need to worry about. It might still be difficult for you to grasp, but trust me, soon enough you will understand how liberating it is to not fret about day-to-day worries. I’m the one that makes their choices for them. They will obey and this is their freedom.” The way she spoke left no room for hesitation or quick questions on my part. It was as if everything she said had been set in stone eons ago. Her hand feels so soothing and tender against my cheek.
“You are a sweet one and I can tell you are a natural submissive. I don't know Branigan. I have never met him. Is he rough and sadistic with you?” There’s genuine concern in her voice.
“No ma’am.”
“He doesn’t punish you for no reason?” I shake my head no.
“Well then, consider yourself lucky. Just be yourself and go with the flow. Don’t try to second-guess your masters. If for some reason they choose to punish you, accept it. Don’t fight but dive into the pain and let it wash over you. Pain, just like pleasure is life itself. Don’t try to avoid the one, or the other for that matter,” she laughed. And reached down to touch me between my legs.
I gasped silently, but I didn’t move as her thick finger presses into my most delicate folds that had somehow grown slick and wet. “MMM-MMM, not only submissive, but also very sensual. You are a true treasure, sweet slave. Branigan is a lucky man to have you.”
“Thank you, ma'am.” Deep pride suffused me with brimming energy and I blushed as I looked down at the stone cold floor of the cave.
“Very well then, time is flying and we have to move on. There is a lot we need to do to get you ready for the ceremony.” Her voice was all business again and she turned to resume leading us deeper into the cave. I scurried to follow.
“May I ask a question?”
“Not now. Later. Now, there’s no time for questions. Dwell on your questions as they swirl about in your head and appreciate the feeling of powerlessness. Revel in it and learn from it. It is going to be but one of many new experiences of your life ahead as a submissive slave.”
How is a man to behave when he is about to meet the Overlord? I immediately realized much had changed since the last time I had visited with Benjamin. Back then, we were both more or less of the same opinion when it came to the Society – an ancient grouping of people, very conservative in nature, with practices going back thousands of years, it was ideally suited for us. Almost 50 years ago now, both Benjamin and I had been on the threshold of our adult lives.
I was just about to go into medicine, and he was about to flourish as a corporate lawyer for some mega corporation or another. More important than our careers however were our common interests that had led us to the Society. Simply put we just loved the gentler sex.
We adored women. We worshiped them in every possible, conceivable way. We thought of a woman, any woman, every woman, was a unique example of what to us might as well have been an entirely separate species of people we could only hope to understand and loved to venerate. It was only natural that once we heard that there existed an ancient society dedicated to worshiping a prehistoric notion of the female goddess, we immediately chose to explore it.
We were amazed to discover that some of the most powerful men and women in the world belonged to the Society. Of course, at first we were only exposed to the bare minimum of its structure and rites. We were put on probation as initiates, but soon began to make our way through the ranks, until about twenty years ago now, we were both inducted as senior brothers, full members of the society. At that point we were exposed to the whole thing – all rites, even the most secret ones were no longer beyond our access. We learned the stark truth that slavery was still very much a fact in the Society. We had of course heard rumor
s about it, but had for the most part dismissed them as rich people’s wishful fancy talk.
All that changed when we met the ancients – a group of men and women who, their title notwithstanding, turned out to be the real Masters and Mistresses in the Society. They had all the knowledge of humanity at their fingertips as it had been passed down through generations for many centuries until now. Even though we were allowed to interact with this upper echelon, we still didn’t have the ultimate power. This changed when Benjamin was chosen and elected to become Overlord. He abolished the ancients assuming the power of their position. This wasn’t exactly a break with tradition. More than a thousand years ago, the society used to have Overlords, but had gradually opted for a council of elders – the Ancients. Benjamin reversed all that.
I had been against it. On the one hand, I instinctively found it abhorrent that any one individual should hold so much power. But the real reason was more personal and even now has a lot to do with the anxiety that still fills my heart. At the very core of our rupture was a certain Ancient, a Mistress who had made me her pet. I loved her. I adored her. I hated to see her lose her power in the Society. But alas the vagaries of life know no bounds.
It is such a shame what multiple sclerosis can do to a beautiful woman such as sweet Lena’s mother. “The Overlord is ready to see you now,” the tiny man dressed in the habit of an acolyte announced from the door by which I had been made to stand and wait for almost an hour now. I steeled my nerves trying to push back the anxieties filling my mind as I walked up to meet whatever Benjamin had become.
As we kept on walking, I realized that the walls of the cave which had initially been plain and barren, were now covered with intricate pictures and elaborate multicolored paintings of wild beasts and humans. Wherever we were, it couldn't be the United States. Everything looked truly ancient.
The drawings had started off being simple stick figures and hand outlines. Drawn using what seemed like charcoal and the occasional ocher, they gradually became more elaborate and detailed. Deeper down into the belly of the endless subterranean passageway everything became more and more involved, and darker. The outlines became faces and the stick figures became elaborate people with detailed anatomy. Luckily for me the matron had me by the hand dragging me on deeper and deeper into the cave. If that weren’t the case, I would have stumbled and tripped like a little child, mesmerized by what I was seeing. I kept staring gob smacked at the scenes of hunting parties, buffaloes mating in the savanna, and war, lots of war, as the images followed one another along the cave wall. Then we turned a corner and the flickering flames brought to life a series of images which as we moved became like a movie of sorts. Before I had time to rationally understand what my eyes were seeing, my brain had already processed it and my heartbeat had already sped up and cold sweat had bloomed across my body.
I saw a young girl, taken from her village, given something to drink, and then she falls asleep. They place her on a boat and take her to a faraway place where she is awoken, washed, and decorated in ornate jewelry. She's made to mount a podium where the figure of a man three times the size of anyone else makes ritual love to her. Then they bind her wrists and ankles to the four corners of a stone table as a woman hunched and old, wearing a large ornamental hat comes forth.
She's holding a knife! The blade is pointed straight down.
"Old drawings, don't let them get to you" the matron has stopped and is looking at me, a twinkle of mischievous amusement in her eyes. “I think that's the reason they placed them there — to frighten the bejesus out of everyone. Once you've been up and down those corridors a couple of times like me, you won’t even notice them.”
I almost believe her. For the first time she smiles at me. Seeing her like that makes me feel reassured and for the first time I want to smile back.
"Come," she stretches out both arms, palms up, "we’ve arrived. Let me prepare you, kitten." For a fleeting moment I wonder if there's any point asking her what are they about to prepare me for.
I'm just about to open my mouth and ask when the woman has turned her back on me and resumed her almost military march deeper into the cave. Up ahead I can see the outlines of a massive stone table just like the one in the paintings on the walls.
"When will I get to see my master?"
“Soon, but first we need to get you ready.”
“I don't want any permanent markings,” I say noticing the needles and little bowls full of dark ink-like substance.
"You don't? Why not?”
“My body is my master's,” I say without thinking.
“Excellent, sweetheart,” the matron appears genuinely glad at my response and I feel a certain undeniable pride bloom in my heart. “Lie down face up, sweetheart. And enough talking from you!” I whimper but I obey, as always.
Oh where is my master's cock, my source of strength that I had so learned to cherish and adore especially in moments of trial like this?
Where is his scent that so renders my knees weak and my heart fluttering?
"Move," again growled the giant and this time Hono pushed a big meaty palm between my shoulders shoving me forward. I almost tripped and fell but somehow managed to steady myself and resumed the meandering path toward the stone podium.
When would I ever see daylight again? Even if I did, would it be the same girl that entered the cave who would be allowed to step out?
“BRANIGAN!” boomed a vaguely familiar voice from somewhere up ahead in the dark room I had just been ushered into. I could hardly see the silhouette of the cloaked minion in front of me and so trying to not lose my bearing in what was no doubt designed to be a shock-and-awe display of good old Benjamin’s new powers, I followed dutifully waiting for my eyes to get accustomed to the almost impenetrable twilight.
The sound of dripping water surrounded me on all sides and I wondered if I was now under the Hudson. The building I had walked in initially had not been far from the waterfront and so the general humidity made some sense. Either that, or Benjamin had procured himself some top-of-the-line sound equipment. If that were the case, it had to be really pricey because the sounds of water and now muffled conversations and distant screams came from all corners of the vast room. I had no way to gauge how big the space was but my spidey sense told me it had to be huge. I heard a murmuring crowd somewhere in the distance as I was encouraged to move on. Then, much to my insipid frustration, a spindly hand wrapped itself around my bicep and pulled me to a halt.
“Stand here.” Somebody hissed and I fought to restrain my growing sense of frustration. But hell if I was just going to let that disrespect slide. I was just about to turn and say something to the man behind me when a set of heavy hands came down and pressed on my shoulders. Whoever they belonged to had to be at least as tall as me and quite a bit stronger because the force with which they pushed me down almost made me fall to the ground! Something pressed at the back of my knees making them buckle. I was being forced to kneel!
“Hold it now!” I growled. “Surely that’s too much!” I turned to see who the insolent bastard behind me was, but all I could discern in the twilight was a dark-brown flowing robe like those worn by medieval monks.
“I’m sorry, my brother,” came Benjamin’s voice which sounded somehow deeper than I remembered it. I looked up and discovered that now I could see a little bit further into the room. I was kneeling before a massive stone throne carved out of what appeared to be granite. Where I expected to see my long lost friend, I saw yet another robed figure peering down on me. “The ancient customs have to be followed. I’m sure you can understand,” he said. “No exceptions can be made even for old friends, I’m afraid.” I couldn’t quite see his face hooded as he was but the voice was familiar enough.
“Benjamin quit that stupid charade,” I hissed trying to contain my growing rage at these people’s blatant disregard for basic curtesy. “You can cut that bullshit with me.”
“Oh, but th
at’s where you’re wrong,” he chuckled and leaned back. “I’m not pretending one bit. If I were, I would definitely not be such a stickler for decorum. I promise you. Much has changed in the society since you last visited. I dare say we are much more honest, cleansed and less hypocritical now.”
“A cynic to the very core,” I could clearly feel the hints of curious bemusement in my host’s voice. “No matter. Perhaps I’ll be able to change your mind in time. We are nothing if not believers in second chances.” The sarcasm in his voice was palpable. Two more hours until the senseless ceremony of Lena’s formal induction into the Society would get started. I cannot wait for it to be all done. Something about this place is making me increasingly anxious about my Lena’s safety.
“It has been a long time since I last saw you, old friend, yeah… I’m happy you have found someone willing to be your submissive. I hear she is quite the little mynx.” The hissing sound of the last letter in the word sent chills down my spine.