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Lena's Fall: Volumes Eight through Fifteen of Lena’s Journey Page 5
Lena's Fall: Volumes Eight through Fifteen of Lena’s Journey Read online
Page 5
“I taught her to do this just last night and she seems to have taken to it with enthusiasm. Isn't that right Lena?” I'm afraid I will faint with shame and so I keep my eyes tightly closed as I silently nod my head.
“Good girl,” my master says and just then the soft electronic chime of his wristwatch goes off. “Ten o'clock,” he adds matter-of-factly.
“You know what that means, don't you?” he says much to my consternation and moves his hand from my waist up to cup and gently squeeze my left breast. My eyes blink wide open and then shut again seeing the megawatt grins spread across the faces of our guests.
“How did you like your dessert?” my master asks.
“It was out of this world,” the woman replies.
“Yes,” the man agrees. “Creamy and delicious. Just perfect.”
“Maybe Lena should share her recipe with you,” my master ads.
“I think your little charge is too preoccupied right now,” his friend says chuckling.
“No matter, I will go ahead and tell you myself. The main ingredient is a young virgin's first milk,” he says and I groan loudly much to the amusement of everybody but myself. “She just came in milk yesterday evening and is not producing very much yet. Hence the small portion of desserts today. But we will have you back in a month. I am sure we will have enough to spare then.” Oh, God no.
“I cannot wait. You know I admire your work, Branigan. I can never manage to bring them into milk without going about it the old-fashioned way,” my master's friend says.
“Here Lena, lean back against me and put your hand around my neck. Just like that, yes. Now let me reach around with my left hand and you can turn and suck on my index finger while I have my right hand free,” he says. Before I know it, I am doing just as ordered.
My right hand hugs him tightly around his thick neck as my fingers play with the salt-and-pepper curls of his hair. His left hand is gently cupping my chin from below, it's index finger having sunk into my mouth up to the second knuckle . I surrender myself to what my master has obviously planned as I concentrate on applying myself to working my tongue and lips around the thick digit in my mouth.
“Benjamin, would you mind?” I don't know what my master wants but soon I feel the other man's presence not far in front of me. He bends forward and with a sharp tug rips apart my expensive dress exactly over my chest revealing two openings just wide enough to allow my pink nipples to poke through the dark-gray material.
“Thank you.”
“Not a problem,” the man says and takes a sip of red wine his attention still riveted on me.
“Don't worry about the dress baby. I will buy you many more like it and better ones too. Just relax…” and with this he reaches in and using his forefinger and thumb gently pinches my nipples eliciting a thin little spray of milk first from one side then the other. I start to protest but his heavy fingers take my breath away.
“There is no way around it, we have to do this every day at regular intervals or your milk will dry up and we will have to start from the beginning again.”
I scrunch up my face in abject shame as I feel my milk drop and a thin stream come out in each direction as he milks me with his fingers.
Then it hits me — I am wet!
“She's a beauty, isn't she?” Benjamin says. He looks at me hungrily and I can almost taste the thickness of his envy.
“That is certainly my opinion, my dear friend," I say but just then I'm distracted as Lena's tight little hips where she sits in my lap convulse, once, then once again.
My beautiful little submissive is going to cum from only having her tits squeezed! That, and listening to a couple of older men objectify her and discuss her not unlike a piece of livestock! What a natural little slave she is! My fingers are now dripping wet with her milk that runs down the front of her dress in tiny rivulets. The streams jetting from the pores of her exquisite, almost immature, puffy nipples have also managed to drench the tablecloth and everything on it. Such an exquisite mess!
I look up from her tiny little sweaty convulsing body to see Benjamin and his wife, both literally sitting on the edge of their seats. Perhaps it is time to give them what they really came here for.
"Lena, sweetheart," my young vixen is too far gone to even acknowledge me. Her eyes are squeezed shut. Her pelvis is doing tight little gyrations in my lap, while her mouth is working overtime as she sucks on my thumb, her cheeks hollowing out on every pull.
"Lena!" I bark. Her eyes immediately shoot wide open. She looks at me like someone who just made it back from a parallel universe. Slowly, marshaling every last ounce of willpower, I take my hand away from around her cute little face and bring it down to join my other hand now holding her hips.
"Lena, sweetheart, I want you to come back to your senses now. I don't want you to climax just yet. Do you hear me, sweetheart?"
The delicious little girlish blush I so love to see overwhelm her radiant young skin comes over her again. What a delicious beauty! What a gorgeous woman!
"I want you to listen to me very carefully, now."
"Yes, M-master," she whispers, still obviously uneasy with the presence of Benjamin and Isla, so close in the room. I take her face in the palms of both hands and fix her flabbergasted little expression with my unwavering attention. She must have been very close to climaxing because I can clearly see the telltale signs of her near-orgasm — her reddened cheeks and teary eyes that look back at me from underneath her low quivering eyelids make me smile.
"Lena, sweetheart, tonight is a very special night."
"Yes. You see, even though you signed a contract of submission, and I have already spent almost a month training you, our relationship cannot be considered officially valid in the eyes of my tradition until it has been approved by someone I trust and whose opinion I value in these matters."
"Oh… I don't understand, what tradition? I didn’t realize you were part of some religious cult…" I wave my hand in the air and she stops immediately.
“No, nothing like that, sweetheart. It is just a tradition, not a true religion. I and the other followers, we stick to it simply because we think it is full of wisdom and quite frankly — fun to practice. It is terribly ancient, more ancient than anything around today.”
“Is it Wicca?” Her eyes open wide in amazement
“No, not really,” I say. “It is difficult to explain. It has no name. Think of it is a philosophy brought down through the ages and resurrected through the tireless work of researchers and historians studying old Neolithic paintings in France and Spain.”
“…That and books, long kept hidden from the church and authorities," adds Benjamin. I shoot him a dark look and he immediately clamps his mouth shut.
“Anyway,” I press on, “there is no reason to distract ourselves with minutiae just yet. Suffice it to say that I would like us to take our relationship a step further than merely following through with role-play. I would like us to formalize this a little bit more. Are you comfortable with that, sweetheart?”
She looks at me sheepishly for a moment and then nods. “Of course I'm comfortable with anything you want, master. I thought you knew that.”
I cannot stop myself and kiss her for a long exquisite moment on her open panting mouth.
“My friend Benjamin is going to test you. You will not like what he does to you, and quite frankly, neither will I.”
“But I thought you already inspected me. Back in the hospital.”
“I did,” I say my voice gaining a note of sternness, “but given that I may have developed feelings for you, my exam might not have been as impartial as the tradition requires. Therefore somebody else, has to corroborate my positive impression and…”
“But, master, may ask you a question,” she interrupts me again and for a moment I wonder if she's actually stalling. Then I look at her. She is so innocent and pure that I simply cannot say no.
ahead, ask.”
“You test me, examine me, teach me and train me…”
“That is correct.”
“But who is to examine you, test you, and vouch for you, that you are, you know, appropriate for me?” Never has a soft dainty little voice sounded more ominous than Lena’s does to me right now.
Benjamin bursts out laughing, "I love her already! She is awesome." He slams his fist down on the table and this time Isla joins in the merriment much to my building rage. I realize I am growing red in the face as I fight to control my temper and give everyone a minute to enjoy the moment.
"I think she got you there," Benjamin wags his finger in my direction and I smile thinly in response.
“I was getting to that,” I look her pointedly in the eyes again. “That is precisely the reason that Isla is here tonight.”
“She knows me very well indeed…”
“But, I thought she has with him,” Lena says innocently pointing at Benjamin who smiles even broader.
“Yes, she is, because I did for them as a couple what Benjamin is doing for me and you tonight.”
“Oh… You helped test Isla and… inspect her for him?”
“Correct. But before that, she and I dated for a long time, you see.”
Lena grows red in the face again and this makes Isla laugh lightheartedly, "Don't take him too seriously, Lena baby," she says. "I certainly made that mistake back in the day, but I'm well past it now. Trust me, if all goes well, we will have some girl on girl time soon enough and then I will fill you in on all the little details you might want to know about your master." The way she says that last word makes me cast a dark look in her direction but she merely shrugs in response.
"Do you venerate your master, sweetheart?"
"Venerate him, sir?" She seems so fragile in his stare, like a newborn little lamb already being interrogated by the meanest, most evil wolf in the pack. The way his heavily tattooed hands claw at her precious little white fingers make me want to jump and rip his throat out.
"I do love my master, if that is what you're asking." Her voice is so small and insecure as she submits to his questioning. I see her cast an uneasy glance at me.
"Look at me, baby girl. Don't look at him. I am the only person in the world who will determine your future. Not him. It is just the way it is. If you go spend the rest of your life with him, or not, depends on me."
I'm sitting on the edge of my seat. I'm just about to leap out and cut this whole thing short. Why did I ever even agree to it? Then just in the nick of time, in that microsecond when my subconscious mind has already issued the command and my muscles are gearing up to respond, I feel Isla's soothing fingers on my neck.
"Shush, now. You need to lay low, just watch and observe. Benjamin knows what he's doing. Relax and be a good monster. You know you can." Her words are like salve poured into my open wounds. Her breath smells like lavender as she whispers, her lips inches from my ear. I feel my body relax a fraction into the priestess' knowing touch.
"There you go. I'm here for you. Just like Eleanor was here for Benjamin. Don't you ever wonder what he did to her? Don't you want to know? He will do the same to Lena. I know he will. Yes… I feel your anger. Take it out on me, monster. It is the last time you'll ever have me in your clutches."
Her words are like sparks, they fly and soon one of them is bound to strike my flayed nerves, dry like tinder and hot with rage. Rage at watching my best friend intimately question my little one, rage at what my little one's mother once did to me all these years ago, rage at having lost Isla to my best friend's advances. “Arrrgh!” I growl and turn, and wrap my fist around Isla's throat, and I squeeze. Her face grows red. Her eyes bulge, and she smiles…
This strange man — Benjamin, he wants me to look at him, pay attention to him, and ignore my master. He says it is important. He is here to be the judge, jury and executioner of my future with my master. But I'm so unprepared. Why didn't my master coach me? Why didn't he tell me anything about this ordeal?
Just then a growl and a deep, sharp ripping sound shocks my mind into the present. I turn instinctively to see my master holding Isla by the throat, his fist wrapped there fingertip to fingertip as he grabs, pulls and then rips apart the woman's dress like a bear tearing at its prey.
Helplessly I scream. Then I cover my mouth and look back at Benjamin. He has the strangest expression on his preternaturally calm face. He looks… Bemused? Almost glad! Like a child just given permission to raid the kitchen pantry for candy. He brings his forefinger to my lips.
"Shush, little one. You will not understand me yet, but believe me when I tell you this is why she's here. Isla has a very important role to play tonight. Perhaps the most important."
I just look at Benjamin, my knees almost touching his. "I don't understand. He's hurting her."
"Nonsense, girl. It is the way lovemaking is supposed to be — violent, enraged, wild. She knows it, he knows it, I know it, and soon you will know it too."
"But…" Benjamin doesn't let me finish. His large hand gently comes over my mouth and muzzles me quiet. I feel him apply a delicate but persistent force on my neck as he slowly turns my head to face my master and Benjamin's wife.
Isla is absolutely naked, a sheen of sweat making her body glisten. For an awful moment it looks to me as if she's being violently raped, lying facedown on the floor, her chest mashed down, viciously pressed into the ground where my master's hands are leaning in on her shoulders, her butt in the air, her ass red and gyrating with every violent thrust my master's pelvis delivers.
Then I actually hear her, "Yes, give it to me, punish me, like I deserve it, beat me with your cock! Beat me like he will punish her!" My eyes grow wide with realization.
"Yes, little virgin sweetheart," Benjamin softly coos, his mouth gently brushing up against my ear. "Let me tell you what is really happening. Isla is here for a reason, child. She is a priestess tonight. A priestess of pure energy, the ancient goddess of war and also love and lust. She will strip away the pretense, tear away the lies, draw out the pure lust of truthful passion. In his lovemaking, your master will take out on her body the anger he feels at me. He knows that I'm about to interrogate you."
"The stronger his thrusts, the more violent his cries — the more convinced Isla will be later when she tells you how much he cares for you. She will know firsthand how strong his passion is for his little slave. How much he is prepared to sacrifice for her. My wife is merely the vessel tonight. The vessel into which he will pour out his purest feelings for you. This is the way of the ancient tradition. Do you begin to understand?"
Benjamin has long since removed his hand from around my mouth, but I cannot stop from glaring at the spectacle of violent love unfolding so close to where I stand.
I'm speechless.
I can clearly see my master's twelve inch penis, thick, throbbing, veined and glistening with the woman's juices, effortlessly plunge into her vagina. On every inward thrust, a tiny scream erupts from Isla's clenched lips and I can see his cock catch and stop for a fraction of a second as if slowed down by an invisible barrier somewhere deep inside her belly before pushing on forward again. The knuckles on her tightly clenched fists are white where she holds them stretched out above her head on the floor.
"Oh my God," I whisper.
"That is right, little girl. Your master will become your God. But first you need to earn the privilege. Now turn your head away from them and look at me, sweetheart. There. You're such a good listener. No wonder he likes you so much. But I want to share with you another little secret. You see, I've known your master for the better part of my entire life, and sometimes, I'm even convinced I love him more than I love myself. But how do you think it makes me feel seeing him now pummeling into my sweet Isla like that, bruising her insides, bashing her delicate little cervix with that ugly cock of his?" His question catches me totally by surprise.
"Angry?" I say after a long moment.
"Very angry. Enraged in a vindictive and vicious way. Yes, you see the ancients were quite the masters of human psychology. They knew what they were doing when they set up this tradition of ours we're following here today." He gently caresses my face again and pushes back stray strands of my black curls that have fallen across my eyes.
"Having him fuck and take out his bestial urges on my Isla like that guarantees I will be very, very thorough when I put you to the test, sweetheart. It is nothing personal and then again it is as personal as it gets. This is human nature at its purest. I will now make it my mission to pull on every hanging little thread I find until I come across the one that will allow me to take apart your future with him. There is no stone I will leave unturned. Do you understand what I'm saying, woman?"
A deep coldness grips my heart and makes me feel nauseous with trepidation as I look at this man. His eyes are like bottomless pools of black.
"I understand, sir."
"Good. Then let us begin."
"I know you signed a contract of service with him. I read it and have a copy of it in my possession. I also know your safe word. So I have to ask you, Lena, do you want to use it?" His question renders me speechless. The night, almost one month ago, when I signed my contract to be Doctor Branigan's submissive-in-training might have as well happened ages ago. A thick fog of conflicting emotions and vivid memories shroud it now. If Benjamin hadn't mentioned my contract, I won't have even thought of it. Perhaps it is strange, but it is as if I'm a different person now.
"Do you even remember your safe word?"
"Honeysuckle," I can hardly hear the word myself.
"That's correct. Are you invoking it? Wouldn't be a problem, I'll call you a cab and pay for your ride home myself." I look at the man and I almost feel angry that he would dare to presume to know me. Fuck him!